dear Tammy...
you said:"Death entered him, and had not been in him before he ate of the tree of the knowledge of good (life), and bad (death). Eating of death, brings death into you.
Instead of leaving him to die then and there, though (thereby giving none of us who came after, life)... God prepared a new body for him (long garment of skin), that 'holds' that sin and death. So that we do not have to die, in spirit... though these vessels do get sick, and die."...
I used to think that regarding the tree of good and evil that good meant life and evil meant death but a word study proved this notion to be false. in genesis 2:9 the word evil #7451 never connotes "death" in any of the places that it is used in the bible. even the evil spiritswithout flesh (which would be similar in nature as to what you are suggesting A&E were before they were covered) are pictured as being evil or wicked, the biblical usage of this word "evil" doesn't imply dead or death. strongs says: this word evil denotes degeneracy from original virtue. (to become disobedient)
as well, the word good in genesis 2:9 connotes in the widest sense of the word...goodness, not life. "the creation narrative best embodies all these various elements of meaning when the Lord declares each aspect of His handiwork to be good." the word naturally expresses the idea of being loved or enjoying the favor of someone. (to remain in grace) none of the words employed to express goodness relating to this one word #2896 meant "life".
so, adam didn't eat of "death", the act of eating from that tree was an act of disobedience toward God's command. And the consequence of his disobenience was that he could no longer eat from the tree of life...this isn't ever called the tree of "good" either
in the OT as well as the NT the idea of putting on new or glorified "flesh" is not expressed the way you have implied. the idea expressed is to put on "the garment of salvation" the salvation of Christ; or "the garment of righteousness" the righteousness of Christ. in jude 23 the direct opposite is stated...those false teachers who walk not according to the Lord Jesus Christ have garments defiled by the flesh. what they have on (not their flesh) is defiled in that they don't have on or haven't put on "the garment of salvation" or "the garment of righteousness" offered by Jesus Christ. in revelation 3:17-18 Jesus talks about people who are pitiful, poor, blind and "naked"...though they believe they have need of nothing, (perhaps because they are "good") they have on their own righteousness so Jesus points to the fact that they are "naked" and need to buy from Him white garments because they don't have on His righteousness or His salvation...they are told to repent. interestingly this command is addressed to the church in Laodicea...historically, C.T. Russell billed himself as the "angel/messenger" of the church of Laodicea and few JW's have actually come under the cover of the blood of Jesus Christ.
in revelation 3:4-5 Jesus again speaks about garments and He isn't refering to "flesh" but garments that haven't been defiled by the flesh, they will walk with Him in white. Jesus also talks here about another group overcoming in order to walk in white garments. this is an illusion to the garden of eden where A&E didn't overcome satans temptation to disobey God...these must overcome, not simply generic "sins" of the flesh, but overcome the temptation of satan to disobey acts 2:36-41, the divine nature of Jesus Christ is not something that we can obtain by ourselves by being good or nice we can't fashion it no matter how hard we try...we must turn to the Lord Jesus Christ, repent and put on His garments of righteousness and salvation acts 17:29-34
love michelle
p.s. in contrast to the garments we "fashion", white garments symbolize the purity of the blood of Jesus Christ..."wash your robes in the blood of the Lamb"