dear Tammy...
you said: "Yes, love God, and love your neighbor as yourself."...
the love God part is the part that you seem to try to contravene using the other scriptures as proof texts. You imply that people don't have to repent and turn to God for forgiveness of sins and salvation as long as they are good and nice to Christs brothers. In the context of the whole gospel Jesus said the opposite of that.
for instance would you ever say to OUTLAW or Adamah or anyone, " you must turn to Jesus Christ for forgiveness of you sins and salvation or you will be lost and die in you sins?"...(we've been through this before and I know that you completely danced around the question and basicly answered that you'll leave the judging to Christ. Jesus Christ said that if you do not believe in Him you will die in your sins. He commissioned us to teach people this and make disciples...He gave His disciples authority to teach this...not what you teach.)
yes Israel had hard hearts but the fact is that they were chosen out of all the nations of the earth to be a blessing HOWEVER that might have played out. They still to this day represent TO US a people who crafted the LOVE GOD ABOVE ALL ELSE theme. So people without the law do by nature thing in the law...what law are you refering to? loving neighbour?...loving God and neighbour?...all 360 laws in addition to the 10? people find forgiveness of their sin and salvation in any law keeping? What does scripture say about that?
love michelle