Peace to you!
This thread is about false things (some) atheists think theists believe.
This is NOT a thread about false things that atheists think ABOUT theists. Or a thread about things that atheists SAY about theists. It is just about false things that some of you atheists (or anyone) think that some of us people of faith, believe. Might even bring some better understanding between some.
I also might be using the word fallacy wrong here, so just to make it clear what I am speaking about:
"A false or mistaken idea based on faulty knowledge or reasoning."
"A deceptive, misleading, false notion or belief."
So I will start with a couple, and since it is me, I am of course speaking of faith in Christ and God:
Faith = good and moral. Lack of faith = bad and immoral. (This one leads into a whole host of others. Such as a person of faith is BETTER THAN a person of non-faith. More loving; more generous; more trustworthy.)
A non-believer can be just as loving and moral - sometimes more so - than a person of faith. (and vice versa) Because the law of love is written upon their hearts, causes them to act in accordance to that law, naturally. (just as Paul spoke about the law being written upon the hearts of the gentiles, causing them to do the things required by the law, naturally)
I know that for a long time people have believed this to be true (and some still do)... but perhaps some of our atheists can keep in mind that this was always faulty reasoning on their behalf... the same as the wts falsely teaches that everyone outside the wts is BAD and immoral and of satan.
Everyone except Christians go to hell. (whatever version of hell one might believe in, including simply the outer darkness outside of the Kingdom, and the eventual lake of fire - the second death)
There are atheists, agnostics, people of other beliefs/faiths/religion - who may enter the kingdom as subjects of the kingdom, based on their deeds (as recorded in their books at the second resurrection), and according to the parable of the sheep and the goats (doing good to Christ by doing good to even the least of his brothers as the sheep; and the reverse as the goats). I mean obviously, they are no longer atheists or agnostics or people of other faiths at this time, lol. But perhaps just did not know Christ in their lives (for whatever reason).
But the subjects of the Kingdom are not Christians (one annointed with holy spirit, so as to be one with Christ) because... all Christians were gathered to Christ upon his return (the first resurrection); and all Christians rule, a thousand years, as kings and priests with Him in His Kingdom... and there is NO judgment for them.
I hope this may helps some to understand/see/consider that God is both just AND merciful. (in fact, justice without mercy, is not justice at all)
Neither God nor Christ will unjustly cast out of the kingdom (or send to 'hell').
Men are in fact judged by their own deeds and words... AND... by the very measure that they use to judge.
I'm having a hard time thinking of other things I wanted to explain, lol. One of the main ones I wanted to address was the first one I listed here. I would like to address one thing that is more personal to me and my faith, but I will wait a bit. Perhaps if others start to write their own reasons, more things will come to me. But those are a couple of mistakes that I have seen some atheists bring up, and while they are true of some beleivers, they are not true of my faith, and I expect they are not true of the faith of many believers on this forum.
So I am going to start with these two, and add as they come.
Peace to you again,