dear Vanderhoven...
Based on your response I suspected you hadn't really thought about it too hard. I guess I had hoped if it IS something you truly believe, given the opportunity to defend your presupposition, you'd at least try...
I noticed that in the peek at your book that you've given us you site the JW's as being erroneous in their method of coming to a biblical interpretation and then quickly move on as if somehow their error brings validity to your own interpretation. I may be wrong in my perception of your writing but, that's how I see it.
You might notice that with the JW method and your method of interpreting hell you both have the error of dismissing certain scriptural passages that don't jive with your presupposition AND reference your own feelings on the subject ie: "the idea of a loving God isn't consistant with torturing individuals forever".
That is indeed true and in fact scripture doesn't say God is going to torture people forever. God isn't going to be in hell to torture anyone. IN CONTEXT, the everlasting fire of hell is meant for everlasting spirits -satan and his angels- that there are humans consigned there as well isn't because of God who wants to torture is because, given the opportunity, they didn't choose the means of escape fully and completely broadcast by Jesus Christ.
You, yourself came to "extra-biblical" (as you call it) interpretation by the same not examining ALL revealed scripture to reach your conclusion. For instance, how many times did you have to ignore specific statements by Jesus as to the duration and veracity of the actual place called hell? Isn't what He says about it worth more of your consideration?
Furthermore, what method do you use when confronted with certain scriptures contrasting everlasting life with everlasting damnation? how do you conclude that one everlasting is actual and one isn't?
I'm thinking that not only are you deceiving yourself with your excursion into biblical interpretation, but you're intentions are to publish a book...if you'd like to be of benefit to those who are misled...exactly how "helpful" do you think you'll be by presenting slipshod interpretation?(I'm kinda sorry if you're offended by what I've said but, frankly, my concern is more for the people who may be inclined to choose your opinion over dealing with what Jesus has to say...the implication being: NOT fully believing Him)
love michelle