"I'm not claiming there isn't a serious problem with fundamentalist Islam or that many of them aren't dangerous, and certainly many Muslim majority countries have many oppressive policies, but if we have benign religious Jews we can have benign muslims."
muslim isn't an ethnicity. Muslim is a religious title for someone who practices islam. one of the first tenents of islam is that mohammad is the pre-eminant messanger of allah. If one disagrees with mohammads instruction on war and the path to peace you are not actually practicing islam and one is rightly called an infidel by those who do practice it in the strict theological AND political sense. that one is no longer considered a muslim but an infidel.
in america it is easy to point to people and label them moderate muslims but when push comes to shove as long as they call THEMSELVES muslim they must support mohammads islamic agenda...and when confronted by a fundamentalist muslim with life or death they will chose to support the fundamentalist. Their moderate "convictions" disappear because of fear. It's easy to be a proud "moderate" muslim when your neck isn't literally at the edge of a sword. there is silence from "moderate" muslims in muslim majority countries...they keep their head down for good reason.