Thank you Shana...
I think it is important to listen to all the videos simply because in order they lay out the timeline to show when this penetration started...before 9/11. Skipping directly to 9 and 10 (while it is more "timely") plays into the hands of those who would label creeping sharia/obama compliance nothing more than sensational conspiracy. Easily dismissed. But from the beginning of video 1 the proof is there and undeniable. Everyone owes it to themselves and their loved ones to be informed about the inroads that sharia adherents have made in the U.S.A. already. Many people believe that it is a matter of voting for sharia and they wouldn't DO that but, the nature of creeping sharia and the means of implementing it are not obvious and, as is shown in the video, it has already been successful in causing fear of speaking the truth (by quoting the koran/drawing attention to mohammad's dictates in the hadith) and legally "binding" free speech under the guise of freedom of religion...
love michelle