dear Phizzy...
Jewish Kings were chosen by God...
the multitude welcomed Jesus as King into Jerusalem. As it is today a person has to choose or elect Him as King.
love michelle
recently there have been several claims made regarding prophecies that came true.
i've not personally seen a prophecy that i would consider as having come true.
i would consider the following as the requirements to say something is a prophecy and evaluate whether or not it came true:.
dear Phizzy...
Jewish Kings were chosen by God...
the multitude welcomed Jesus as King into Jerusalem. As it is today a person has to choose or elect Him as King.
love michelle
recently there have been several claims made regarding prophecies that came true.
i've not personally seen a prophecy that i would consider as having come true.
i would consider the following as the requirements to say something is a prophecy and evaluate whether or not it came true:.
An argument can be made for the futility of siting specific dates with occurrences in the bible in that a person can be blind to prophesy even having seen it. the scriptures elude to the idea that until eyes are opened by God there is no real "vision"
luke 24:13-32
zechariah 12:10
recently there have been several claims made regarding prophecies that came true.
i've not personally seen a prophecy that i would consider as having come true.
i would consider the following as the requirements to say something is a prophecy and evaluate whether or not it came true:.
dear Viviane...
you said, " In any event, Jesus never became King, so the prophecy fails. You can, of course, argue he is Kingin heaven, but that'sa theological argument and not a historical one."...
in john 12:12-16 it is written that there were a multitude of people who, of their own accord, welcomed Jesus as King into Jerusalem. The pharisees witnessed the procession (john 12:19) and that may be why they argued about "king of the jews" being inscribed on His cross (john 19:21) Jesus was elected King and Saviour by a multitude of jewish people without any involvement of the priests as was the custom.
love michelle
go ahead.
tell me.. "i've read the bible cover to cover.
i don't believe you.. it is damned near impossible!.
"Yes, as you might have gathered, I do take rather strong exception to being branded a liar!...
Try to think of it this way: other people are entitled to an opinion about everything . . . even things you have personal knowledge of." 1975. there's no need to take things the wrong way because you were mistakenly reading something into a statement...
jws claim that even such a small thing as proclaiming 1986 as the international year for peace was foretold in the bible.
this raises the question: why was such a great thing as internet (the influence of which could not even be compared with anything in the history at all) not foretold in the bible?
with internet and tv the world has become literally a global village!.
Zechariah 5:1-4
a transcendant being resides as a glob of cellular matter in a woman's body for nine months stitching together a human without the dna of a male human being.. the being is squeezed out of the vaginal canal of his host/mother and has to poop and piss on himself for a couple of years.
what is wrong with this picture?.
the consciousness of the fetus would be what, then?.
You are most welcome.
thank you, Uriel...xo
a transcendant being resides as a glob of cellular matter in a woman's body for nine months stitching together a human without the dna of a male human being.. the being is squeezed out of the vaginal canal of his host/mother and has to poop and piss on himself for a couple of years.
what is wrong with this picture?.
the consciousness of the fetus would be what, then?.
dear prologos...
the bible indicates that there is movement in the spirit realm.
Jesus said that the gates of hell would not prevail over the church. a gate can be opened. I think that in our day these gates have been opened by people eager to make contact with the spirits. I think that there are principalities over the earth like it says in Ephesians.
When Jesus cast the demonic spirits into the pigs they said "don't make us leave this region I think that the negative sway of principalities can be observed. For instance until recently the principality over what is designated persia in the bible has been favorable to the jews and israel. Cyrus was called God's anointed and he did God's will in blessing the jews. The rulers after him in that region were reasonably benevolent to israel and the jews. the benevolence ended in 1979 the year the shah's throne was lost in iran and a different power took control.
If you'll look at the book of daniel in 10:14 at what is called a vision of the latter days you read just previous to it is written that there is a war between the "prince" of persia and michael who is over or prince of israel and the jews. Historically there hasn't been great conflict between the region of persia and israel. Now there when there is deep unease in the streets, even in america about the region of israel. The negitive thoughts and energy on the ground in regard to israel weren't there before. The conflict in the area wasn't there before and the bible says that in the end time during the greatest time of trouble for the jews...the principalities are at war. Those are reasons that I believe there is movement in the spirit(ual) realm...the visions of daniel are sequential but broken up by time intervals. The vision at the end of daniel 11..36-45 didn't happen historically but the principality in the spirit realm that holds sway over the region can be observed, so to speak.
love michelle
a transcendant being resides as a glob of cellular matter in a woman's body for nine months stitching together a human without the dna of a male human being.. the being is squeezed out of the vaginal canal of his host/mother and has to poop and piss on himself for a couple of years.
what is wrong with this picture?.
the consciousness of the fetus would be what, then?.
Really cofty...
one person's justifying ludicrous superstitions is another person's expanding on incomplete ideas. I'm always perfectly willing to allow you your time to speak without giving negative comment, why don't you have the courtesy to do the same? I'm discussing ideas that are in the realm of possibility...the ideas themselves even fit within the framework of what a believer calls revealed truth.
love michelle
a transcendant being resides as a glob of cellular matter in a woman's body for nine months stitching together a human without the dna of a male human being.. the being is squeezed out of the vaginal canal of his host/mother and has to poop and piss on himself for a couple of years.
what is wrong with this picture?.
the consciousness of the fetus would be what, then?.
dear cofty...
I haven't tried to "justify" a superstition with a metaphor. some atheists always do, you automatically try to shoot down discussion about God because you have no personal belief in Him. In the marketplace of ideas you endeavour to stifle any but your own...while I, on the other hand, try to expand the thought process into as yet uncharted territory.
love michelle
a transcendant being resides as a glob of cellular matter in a woman's body for nine months stitching together a human without the dna of a male human being.. the being is squeezed out of the vaginal canal of his host/mother and has to poop and piss on himself for a couple of years.
what is wrong with this picture?.
the consciousness of the fetus would be what, then?.
God tasked certain people to contextualize their knowledge of Him for their time. Moses and paul are two examples of people who, while not re-defining God and His message of redemption, taught God's message to man by placing Him and His activity into their time. They re-contextualized the gospel as knowledge of God increased. That doesn't mean that their knowledge is myth but, an immature expression of facts.
love michelle