The group called ISIS and all the other terrorist groups are heavily indoctrinated to think and do what they do. it is fundamentally wrong to de-humanize people, that is what these terrorist groups do. I find myself sympathizing with their humanity...nothing can undo what they have done but, according to my faith, they can have a change of heart and mind and Jesus paid the price for their sin; a life for a life.
JoinedPosts by myelaine
The Goal of ISIS is to turn the west against Islam and to the capititalise on the backlash that reults from that..
by smiddy inwhile these idiots think beheading innocent aid workers journalists who have the welfare of the people at heart in these circumstances and then butchering them in such a barbaric manner is going to swing public opinion in their favour is beyond me .. if their is ever a reason to go on the ground including going into syria to rid this pox off the face of the earth this is the last straw and needs to be done now.. no more now pussyfooting around with barbaric medieval murderes , go in and annhillilate the bastards.
in the air on the ground and whatever it takes.. smiddy.
The Goal of ISIS is to turn the west against Islam and to the capititalise on the backlash that reults from that..
by smiddy inwhile these idiots think beheading innocent aid workers journalists who have the welfare of the people at heart in these circumstances and then butchering them in such a barbaric manner is going to swing public opinion in their favour is beyond me .. if their is ever a reason to go on the ground including going into syria to rid this pox off the face of the earth this is the last straw and needs to be done now.. no more now pussyfooting around with barbaric medieval murderes , go in and annhillilate the bastards.
in the air on the ground and whatever it takes.. smiddy.
There are 25 known islamic terrorist organizations active at this time. Though these small (14,000 ISIS) groups may not have formulated a plan with the intent to cause people in the west to turn against islam, it is possible that incorporated into a broader strategy it will prove effective.
People are talking about islam and terrorism and muslims. It is hard for some people to separate the religion from the people who practice it and so there is, complements of the "powers to be", a plan in the works to make it criminal to say anything "bad" about anyone's religion. given the fact that islam is the only religion whose adherents get all bent out of shape when their religion is criticized it isn't hard to deduce who the beneficiaries of this new plan are. as the following article points out, all the wordiness (in the plan) obscures the plain truth. This is a blasphemy law...sharia lite. The idea is that implementation would be internationally recognized and prosecute.
I guess for some it's more comfortable to look a other things than to confront reality. Terry has chosen (it seems) to compare ISIS to his simple-minded yet reasonable intellect (unaffected by superstition, don't forget!) and has concluded that ISIS isn't anything more than a bunch of frustrated and narrow morons...intellectual insects, really.
Role Play of Matthew 24:14
by God_Delusion inhello my lovelies x,.
i've just written an article which portrays parts of matthew 24, and especially verse14, which i've always found extremely implausible to comprehend.
i've written it in role play fashion, and i hope you find it interesting.. here's the link to my article -
you're not actually aware of a ministry to the jewish remnant.
Numbers 10:1-2, 4-5, 8 John 5:25-29 (Zechariah 3) Revelation 12:7-8, 10-11
love michelle
Role Play of Matthew 24:14
by God_Delusion inhello my lovelies x,.
i've just written an article which portrays parts of matthew 24, and especially verse14, which i've always found extremely implausible to comprehend.
i've written it in role play fashion, and i hope you find it interesting.. here's the link to my article -
Yes, Perry...
ephesians 2:1...the law of moses teaches that (israel, as the pattern for fallen mankind[chosen by God to receive the oracles of God] being shown "the way"/torah; a tutor leading to the way of salvation) man is under the law of death. None of us are able to keep the law perfectly and are said to be under the curse of the law.(romans 3:9-18) The church is under the law of Christ; passed from death to life. That is the good news...Jesus came to FULFILL the law for us. His righteousness is imputed to those who believe in Him. Jesus fulfilled the letter of the law and magnified the Spirit of the law.
matthew 5:17-19. With the destruction of the jerusalem temple in 70 AD the jewish priesthood were completely unable to fulfill the letter of the law. The sacrificial system was defunct and, for lack of intents and purposes, judaism became a tradition of men, So to the various schools of rabbinical THOUGHT. The bible says "they" were cut down at the root of the tree but the BRANCH came up from the root and in the latter days the natural branches will be grafted into that BRANCH...also because of the good news of Jesus Christ.
love michelle
Biblical Prohecies That Came True?
by Viviane inrecently there have been several claims made regarding prophecies that came true.
i've not personally seen a prophecy that i would consider as having come true.
i would consider the following as the requirements to say something is a prophecy and evaluate whether or not it came true:.
dear cofty...
Viviane started it.
love michelle
Biblical Prohecies That Came True?
by Viviane inrecently there have been several claims made regarding prophecies that came true.
i've not personally seen a prophecy that i would consider as having come true.
i would consider the following as the requirements to say something is a prophecy and evaluate whether or not it came true:.
dear OUTLAW...
you said, "Your using the Roman Sign as Proof..Jesus was recognized as King of the Jew"...
actually no, I'm not. I'm saying that Jesus was made King of the jews...whether it was recognized by rome or the jews, whether it was mocking is beside the point. The stage was set and the (opposing!!) actors were in their place to fulfill the prophesies that God would choose and set a King (one like the son of man) over "the kingdom"...daniel 4:35; 7:13-14.
love michelle
Biblical Prohecies That Came True?
by Viviane inrecently there have been several claims made regarding prophecies that came true.
i've not personally seen a prophecy that i would consider as having come true.
i would consider the following as the requirements to say something is a prophecy and evaluate whether or not it came true:.
dear bohm...
Viviane opened the floor to refutation of BIBLICAL prophesy being fulfilled or not. If you want to contend that the OT prophesies (in the bible) are fabricated that may be another thread you'd like to open but, this thread hasn't been about that.
love michelle
Biblical Prohecies That Came True?
by Viviane inrecently there have been several claims made regarding prophecies that came true.
i've not personally seen a prophecy that i would consider as having come true.
i would consider the following as the requirements to say something is a prophecy and evaluate whether or not it came true:.
dear bohm...
the thread is about biblical prophesy being fulfilled. the answer regarding the King of "the kingdom" is found in the bible...
What is your point? Did daniel fabricate the prophesy up for discussion?
love michelle
Biblical Prohecies That Came True?
by Viviane inrecently there have been several claims made regarding prophecies that came true.
i've not personally seen a prophecy that i would consider as having come true.
i would consider the following as the requirements to say something is a prophecy and evaluate whether or not it came true:.
dear OUTLAW...
Well, Viviane's argument WAS:
" In any event, Jesus never became King, so the prophecy fails. You can, of course, argue he is Kingin heaven, but that'sa theological argument and not a historical one."...
You can move the goalposts around all day but, scripture answered her argument.
love michelle
Biblical Prohecies That Came True?
by Viviane inrecently there have been several claims made regarding prophecies that came true.
i've not personally seen a prophecy that i would consider as having come true.
i would consider the following as the requirements to say something is a prophecy and evaluate whether or not it came true:.
dear Viviane...
indeed, all those witnesses and you still deny that He was made King of the Jews.
love michelle