dear scotma...
you said, "Meanwhile, physicians began to recognize that such things as seizures could be linked to health and not demon possession."
So what happened to all the demons that threw people into convulsions in Jesus' day?
The nonsense of religion is the belief in any kind of spirit entity "good or evil"....
The demons have become mainstream, they're not promoted as part of "religion" but in conjunction with mind and body health. advanced yoga and reiki both teach that the practitioners are in contact spirit entities. a reiki master is a conduit for energy from spirits that he/she acknowledges.
"Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft" speaks about the same force that yoga does. "In meditation the mysterious psychic energy can be sent up through these centers. This potent force is called the Kundalini or Serpent Power. As the mighty force begins to flow within you, these vital psychic centers..."
"The idea that spirits can be the cause of ill-health and other problems has been a common belief among healers since ancient times. Jesus was said to heal by casting out spirits, moreover, present day healers continue to work with the idea that misguided spirits can cause problems. A plethora of techniques exists to release spirits which vary in effectiveness. I would like to describe a technique using Reiki that is both safe and highly effective. This technique can be used to release a spirit from a person or from a location such as a home. You do not have to be clairvoyant, be able to see the spirit, or know where it is specifically to use this technique.
Normally when a person's body dies, the spirit goes up to the light to be healed and blessed. However, in some circumstances, a spirit will become confused and not go to the light right away. The entity may remain close to the earth plane and dwell around familiar people or places. The spirit may become affected by lower desires and try to create problems for people. Usually this involves taking people's energy; causing them to feel weak. These spirits may cause confusion and other difficulties including poor health for the people they are in contact with. Sometimes they attach themselves to a person's aura, creating negative influences, or they may be connected to a home, hotel, or other building. If you are working with a client on a specific issue that doesn't seem to be clearing after several sessions, the client may have a spirit needing to be released. It's not necessary to tell the client they have a spirit unless you feel they will be able to accept this idea. If you don't feel it wise to tell the client, simply tell them you're going to use an advanced healing technique.
The working assumption with this technique is that the spirit is confused in some way and that is the reason why they are causing problems. The spirit needs to be healed so it can go to the light. This process is not a test of wills where you try to force the spirit to leave, it is a healing process. Also, you will not be using any of your personal energy in this process; an enlightened being will be doing the spirit release process for you and that is why it is safe..."
love michelle