Bible - War in heaven - Satan cast to earth - Why?

by berrygerry 29 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • berrygerry

    Reading the Oct 1 1953 WT about Gog of Magog because of the posts about the changes of identity.

    Basic question:

    WHY would Satan (whether Gog or not) be cast to the earth?
    Why not cast him to Quadrant 4 of the galaxy?

    Why a war in heaven?

    Cannot God just teleport Satan and the demons wherever He wants?
    Legit question.

  • lurkernomore

    Good point. Why would a 'loving' creator put his creation under the influence of such an evil force unnecessarily??? Like you said, God has the entire universe at his disposal. Surely it would make more sense to banish satan to the farthest reaches of said universe. The more I read and the more I research the things taught in the bible, the more it seems to me like a bunch of nonsense.

  • caroline77

    War in heaven suggests that God does not have control over His own back yard, or staff. Who would want to go there?

  • DeWandelaar

    What bugged my mind al these years was: what kind of weapons did they use? How the hell can spirits fight eachother? Was it wordgames like a rapbattle? Did they have lightsabers? What is a war without casualties? same with the angel in daniel who wanted to reach him but was not able too. He had to wait for Michael... Why? Did the demonlord have a hidious and deadly anti-angel rifle in his arsenal?

  • jookbeard

    up there in stupidity with The Flood, destruction of Sodam and Gomorah, Lots wife, original sin/ speaking serpant , giant fish etc.


    I certainly HOPE that since this was published in 1953 even modern Witnesses can see the absolute silliness of such idle speculation. In my opinion, there is no 'Satan' nor is there a 'Jehovah', a 'Heaven' or any of that made-up Bible stuff. Most intelligent people today see the value in living life IN THE PRESENT, not in obsessing over Bible stories written thousands of years ago. Whatever is true or not true will be shown in due time, and we can't change the outcome either way, so why worry about it??? In my opinion, when we die it is THE END of us....we are dead and gone, forever. No Paradise Earth. No Heaven. That's all, Folks!! So live your live NOW, and find happiness to the best of your ability. That's my advice.

  • Bobcat

    In connection with the OP's questions and why Satan would be cast to the earth and not some distant star cluster, see these posts here and here.

  • punkofnice

    It makes for a good fairy story.

    ....and because Jehovah(tm) lives in Alcyone he doesn't want Satan as his neighbour.

  • prologos

    Do you-all not realize that the space-programmes are 'Satan's' desperate attempts to break that confinement to the Earth via his reps.?

    The voyagers (with the images of the two nudes) reaching interstellar space.

    According to WT doctrine, St. John who wrote this Casting scenario in Rev. ,-- is now already resurrected to the thus cleansed heavens since 1919. so it is happening to him, we are hoping he is carefull not to get pricked by one of those sharp objects reaching up there.

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    I certainly HOPE that since this was published in 1953 even modern Witnesses can see the absolute silliness of such idle speculation. In my opinion, there is no 'Satan' nor is there a 'Jehovah', a 'Heaven' or any of that made-up Bible stuff. Most intelligent people today see the value in living life IN THE PRESENT, not in obsessing over Bible stories written thousands of years ago. Whatever is true or not true will be shown in due time, and we can't change the outcome either way, so why worry about it??? In my opinion, when we die it is THE END of us....we are dead and gone, forever. No Paradise Earth. No Heaven. That's all, Folks!! So live your live NOW, and find happiness to the best of your ability. That's my advice.

    Agree with you 100%. Don't worry about what has happened in the past or what is to happen in the future but live for the present.

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