Leolaia has done a thorough study here:
love michelle
we have been taught that the hebrews were monotheists believing and worshiping in only one god, except for those times when they sinned and worship pagan idol gods.
their one true god is yahweh / jehovah.
comparing the book of genesis with older sumerian and babylonian writings what do we find?
Leolaia has done a thorough study here:
love michelle
we have been taught that the hebrews were monotheists believing and worshiping in only one god, except for those times when they sinned and worship pagan idol gods.
their one true god is yahweh / jehovah.
comparing the book of genesis with older sumerian and babylonian writings what do we find?
dear Cold Steel...
you said, " Keep in mind that the early Christians associated Jesus with Yahweh. It was Yahweh who was a son of El. The early Christians saw Yahweh as the mediator between the Farther God and man"...
Jesus is associated with Yahweh in the scriptures because in the NT Jesus spoke as a Son to the Father. That is what the NT faith portrays as far as relationship goes. Unfortunately for mormon theology the beloved only begotten Son is all over the NT and a pantheon of gods isn't.
Yes! In the OT ([deuteronomy 32:8-9]) there are scriptures that vaguely hint at that (divine council in danel) but, those scriptures were written while the hebrews were still contextualizing their personal encounter with God. JESUS was the final revelation of God...you can begin at the end and work yourself backwards to a ANE pantheon but theologically you end up with a low christiology and elevation of angels/man...the hebrews/israelites continued to look forward.
do you want to sanctify God (so that He will save mankind) or mormon theology?
love michelle
this night i installed christmas lights in the trees in the front garden of our house.. we all like it, the children like it, so this is the first year we have this lightning.
hope the elders will like it too ;-).
I LOVE Christmas lights but I'm waiting until after November 11 to put them up and enjoy them.
I remember the sacrifice made by many in the commitment to serve their fellow man.(whether a person agrees with it or not, people sacrificed on our behalf)
love michelle
if anyone is interested in going way over board into crazy land about Christmas lights talk to WTWizard...love you D. :)
reading the oct 1 1953 wt about gog of magog because of the posts about the changes of identity.. basic question:.
why would satan (whether gog or not) be cast to the earth?.
why not cast him to quadrant 4 of the galaxy?.
It has to be understood that a christian "lives" in two realms. The kingdom in heaven and on the earth.
satan deceives on earth in the "realm" of ideas/ideologies and his angels reward those who "buy and sell" in the doctrines of demons. he has had sustained influence of "the air" since Jesus returned to heaven with extra attention directed to the church especially in these last days in order to cause deep division...to weaken "the body". (matthew 24:10-12)
his power of influence will be thrown to the earth, so to speak, when the absolute power, wisdom and salvation of God is revealed to/in the hearts and minds of the VERY elect...the 144,000 missionaries commissioned to gather in new jewish believers.
love michelle
in the light of the following promises made by jehovah, how can there be an armageddon?.
genesis 8:21: ... so jehovah said in his heart: never again will i cursethe groundon mans account, for the inclination of the heart of man is bad from his youth up;and never again will i strike down every living thing as i have done.. genesis 9:15, 16: and i will certainly remember my covenant that i made between me and you and every living creature of every kind;and never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all flesh.and the rainbow will occur in the cloud, and i will certainly see it and remember the everlasting covenant between god and every living creature of every kindon the earth.. does it make sense to say "i will never kill you by a flood, next time i will use fire?
just asking.. .
The fire from God destroys or dissolves "the elements" of the world/society that aren't in union with His kingdom.
The 5 elements of the world:
If I remember correctly, according to the bible the only "giant mess" that awaits clean up is weapons. love michelle
to read and understand this topic you will need to know two things.. following my telling you these two things you'll need to sit and think about them before you react and respond.. ************.
1. understand what obscurantists are and what they do and why .. 2. decide if want to be effective in refraiming your identity (the label given to you) as an ex-jehovah's witness in fighting them.
watchtower society obscurantist leaders.
"Doublespeak is language that deliberately disguises, distorts, or reverses the ACTUAL meaning of words in everyday society."
As a "society distinct from secularisim...The WTBTS is a willing victim and proponent of this doublespeak. It isn't exclusive to the WTBTS but from the beginning of that sect their "water" was tainted. Revelation 8:10-11
love michelle
as a kid i only collected comic books until around 1962.. my collection was very important to me and i had emotional excitement at the release of a new comic--but--i made a date with 2 girls.
on the same day and didn't have any money!
(not thinking it through, you see :).
I collect vintage perfume and vintage commercial perfume bottles. I also collect vintage dinnerware (the beautiful bright flowery kind) for eventual use in my homebased business. I'll be renting out miss-matched china for special events as soon as I have service for 200. I have service for 170 now so some time early next year I hope to have a webpage and be up and running. I'm pretty excited about it and can hardly wait for my friend to help me with my webpage...I have to do a bunch of different tablescapes and take a ton of pictures before we start on that :)
in the blog http://debunkingchristianity.blogspot.com bloggers john shore, john loftus, and robert price are watching the dismantling of christinaity over the lgbt question in the us.
see the 10/17/2014 post.. coupled with the scandals of the megachurches lately many christians are asking questions for the first time on how things have gotten this way and where is the holy spirit to protect the church and people.. .
Many are leaving the historical christian faith without even realizing it. Maybe they've never read the NT or something but they sure delight in taking these people's word for what it says.
the entire organization shoves all its chips into the center of the table on one bet: they are the only mouthpiece of god on earth.. what are the odds to this bet?.
the statistic for christian denominations make jw's 1 out of 41,000 opinions.. a chance of 1 in 41 thousand is a tough bet.. _________________________.
if abc tv broadcasts shark tank and your tv receives mister ed .
dear Heaven...
yes, YAHWEH is a warrior. When He was the strength and shield of the jewish armies in the OT, He was a protecter of the israelites. At that time there were tribal wars...would it have been better in your eyes if the jewish people just allowed themselves to be taken in battle? If God wanted to help them become a strong people group whose identity would withstand partial assimilation (babylon) they needed to know that YAHWEH was their protection when their very existence was at stake.
the NT still portrays God as a warrior who will fight for His people israel. The NT also teaches that the "sword" that He and His warriors use in the final conflict is the word of God. The NT also teaches that the "fire" that will come against non-believers will be the Holy Spirit. The final battle of God is one in which the word of God is used in conjunction with the conviction of the Holy Spirit to subdue. Those who are (just like christians) convicted are said to be slain. Their life is taken and the new life is in Christ. Yes, there will be those who wont repent and turn to God and it is those people who will be responsible for the violence and bloodshed that is portrayed in the revelation. That is fallen mans natural response to the chaos that will result from all kinds of people turning to God in a very short time period. Many will be fearful of what is coming upon the earth but many will be angry too. You say no thanks now but, I do hope that you will find the Holy Spirit irresistible then so that you aren't one of the fearful or a victim of the angry opposition. God shows mercy in calling people to Jesus Christ/mercy one more time...those who oppose Him will show you no mercy. Revelation 13:7-10
love michelle
the entire organization shoves all its chips into the center of the table on one bet: they are the only mouthpiece of god on earth.. what are the odds to this bet?.
the statistic for christian denominations make jw's 1 out of 41,000 opinions.. a chance of 1 in 41 thousand is a tough bet.. _________________________.
if abc tv broadcasts shark tank and your tv receives mister ed .
dear Finkelstein...
abe had a point when he said this:
"Disputing the veracity of the bible is not a rational thing to do after asking about "the ODDS"."...
also, though I don't agree with a few of his conclusions, ablebodiedman's videos make for great topical bible study. The scriptural support for his study is extensive. The thing is, this thread asks about the odd's of JW's being the true religion; I don't think they are. I do agree with abe that the WTBTS will have a part in the end time scenario as they will be overtaken by "men skillful to destroy". (Ezekiel 21:28-32) whether the WTBTS chooses to walk in the path of righteousness is up to them but, the WTBTS as it is shall not be remembered.