Thank you Viviane...
I recall recently posting a lengthy article by a fellow poster Leolaia regarding the hebrews drawing on various elements in other local religions in their conceptualization of their God. I should have been more clear about the fact that I was talking about pious jews who kept the commandment to worship ONLY the One God.
In my comments I'm trying to make a distinction between the words deity (that which is worshipping) and divinity(that which merits "special" appreciation. ie: hebrews 13:17) Divinity being less than God and having some attributes of God in a limited way...holiness and godliness without the miraculous, so to speak. Jesus possessed the miraculous as well as the holiness and godliness. For a time some apostles had the miraculous too according to the text the "Lord bearing witness to the word of His grace, granting signs and wonders to be done by their hands." (act 14:3) but they rejected the notion that they were the highest Gods, zeus and hermes and they rejected worship (acts 14:14-15)...because they taught that all believers should strive for holiness and godliness and Jesus Himself said "be perfect as I am perfect"...I get the sense that divinity is in view here. A "higher calling". An early example of this higher calling is the one referred to as, saint john the divine.
love michelle