dear smiddy...
you said, "i`m sorry dear , but did you miss the point of my OP ? And my subsequent post ? For example who is to say from the list Splash gives us what is inspired and what is not inspired , who determines it,? Their is no evidence that God had anything to do with the now accepted books of the bible."...
I hope I didn't miss the point :)
I was just looking at the question differently, I guess.
For the sake of argument, let's assume ALL of those books and ALL the books in the bible are inspired.
my post reflected my belief that the books of the bible were chosen because they teach about the faith, encompassing the how, what, why, who and when.
I responded "inspired for what" not "what is inspired"...if the church wanted to teach the faith so that people could live the faith it had to be reasonably concise while maintaining important elements. (like a textbook) if the church wanted to teach angelogy they could have incorporated more of that in the book but, like judaism the leaders led the people AWAY from that kind of study because it is peripheral to the faith (I believe that some people can be susceptible to negative spirit forces so there are ancient texts that should be avoided, but that's beside "the point")
If God desires that all men be saved then inspires men to write about the means of salvation WHY wouldn't He be present and involved in the selection of books?...
love michelle