dear JD...
the angels don't know the gospel because they don't know the day or the hour? who do you bridge these two scriptures?
Once Jesus was born in the flesh the angels knew...gabriel announced to mary what was going to take place, angels were at the tomb, revelation has an angel preaching the everlasting gospel and all God's angels know that it is Jesus who is the "head of all principality and power"...up until Christ the prophets AND angels desired to look into what would be the outworking of God's plan...the scripture you quoted doesn't affirm that God's angels are unable (to this day) to look into the gospel. God's angels were able to understand the gospel at the time of Christ, like the apostles they knew the "mystery" because it HAD BEEN revealed in Christ. Now, if the jinn or angels speaking in the koran (which came after the bible) didn't understand the gospel it's reasonable to conclude they are fallen angels in the same camp as those who, if they had known who Jesus was, wouldn't have crucified the Lord of Glory. colossians 2:10, 2:15
love michelle <3