The best reasonable, rational, intelligent discussion on religion I've ever seen
by TerryWalstrom 303 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Marking. I will have a look later.
Reza Aslan is of my least favourite people.
It's a good deconstruction of Judaeo-Christian belief and the notion that the gospels were actual eye-witness accounts but he then demonstrates the complete blind faith required to, well, to have faith.
Belief in god can never be based on rationality or evidence. It's strange that so many people of faith are so determined to try and prove that their is evidence. I guess deep down their faith is lacking and they are trying to convince themselves.
Jonathan Drake
Wow that was amazing. I loved this video. the way he explains the difference between history as we see it and history as they saw it is so so good.
Village Idiot
I personally believe that some people are neurologically predisposed to believing in something, anything transcendent. The religion may be false but it is the product of men who want to understand the mysteries of the Cosmos - and fail.
I believe that we should redirect that predisposition into more valid and useful pursuits like understanding science and showing reverence to the (godless) Universe. The Universe is divine, it is sacred. It may not give a damn about us but it is all we have.
As Carl Sagan once said, "We are a way for the Cosmos to know itself". He was a deeply spiritual man whose atheistic reverence for the Universe came out in his Cosmos series. Well worth the watch.
I miss Carl Sagan.
PS: Thanks for the video Terry.
Belief in god can never be based on rationality or evidence. It's strange that so many people of faith are so determined to try and prove that their is evidence. I guess deep down their faith is lacking and they are trying to convince themselves.
As a species, most of us are ingrained from birth with the notion that everything has a purpose. Knives are for cutting, blankets are for warmth, seats are for sitting. And, of course, the notion that People are special and are for something.
It's a warm comforting blanket of a thought that we as humans are something greater than what we really are - that there is something beyond the veil, something more than this existence.
However, it is also an imprisoning thought, a thought that breeds extremism, disillusionment, and ignorance.
Accepting that this life may very well be all there is really is a liberating thought. It's scary, but it is also liberating. If these years are the only years you have to your blip of an existence, then what the hell are we doing sitting on our asses? We should be doing all we can to enjoy what life has to offer, live in harmony with our planet and our fellow beings, and try to leave this place better than we found it.
If this life is it, if this is everything, we should care about the survival of our species even more so.
Life is beautiful. Wondrous.
If there is a purpose to life, it should be to be remembered. If there is a hope of living forever, it is a hope that we won't be ordinary and will live on in fond or inspiring memories, even if it is for only a few more generations after our expiration.
Enjoy. Love. Experience. Learn. Create! Inspire. By all means, LIVE.
Reza is one of the most articulate scholars I've encountered. He's even more adept than say, Bart Ehrman. He convinced me in this interview that Sam Harris, as just one example, is a fundamentalist to atheism. (What you hate, you become).
I realize too, the narrowness of my own view needs broadening as well.
I say, well done.
Thanks Terry for sharing this interesting interview. I really enjoyed it. -
My take on this interview is that Reza Aslan is spouting the age old line of ...'all roads lead to god ' he knows and admits there is no proof, rather its down to a choice based on ignorance.....ignore the holy books and just believe !!what a COP OUT!!
Oh I almost forgot he has a book to sell.
He convinced me in this interview that Sam Harris, as just one example, is a fundamentalist to atheism.
Reza Aslan wilfully misrepresented Harris' arguments and took pride in doing so.
IMO Harris is the clearest thinking, most articulate opponent of faith. He carefully and thoughtfully distinguishes between shades of harmful religion. His defense of godless morality is outstanding. According to Aslan Muslim terrorists who murder, bomb and behead others in the name of Islam have nothing at all to do with religion.
Aslan plays to the crowd and gets applauded by liberals who want to indulge the backward culture of conservative Islam.