JoinedPosts by myelaine
When did the Great Crowd start forming?
by Vanderhoven7 ini realize that rutherford received a flash of light regarding the identity of the gc in the year 1935, but that does not tell us when the crowd began to form.
what would be the earliest date?
any ideas or quotes from wt literature?
Crazyguy, the group "described" in rev 5:8 are the 4 living creatures, and the 24 elders. The words of 5:9-10 are the prayers of the saints...and THEY sang...These saints have been "redeemed OUT OF every tribe and tongue and people and nation"...(all jews) rev. 14:1,3,4 (redeemed from AMONG men) they are essentially selected from all parts of the earth rev 7:1,3-4...8
the GC are a multitude OF all nations, tribes, peoples and tongues.
When did the Great Crowd start forming?
by Vanderhoven7 ini realize that rutherford received a flash of light regarding the identity of the gc in the year 1935, but that does not tell us when the crowd began to form.
what would be the earliest date?
any ideas or quotes from wt literature?
dear Crazyguy...
Rev. 6:9-11 these are souls under the alter who were slain for the word of God and for the testimony which they held.
The GC have washed their robes but there is no indication that they were slain for their testimony...the language and scene is more evocative of a last minute "revival". (Yay!!)
The 144,000 can be separate from the GC because other scriptures indicate that they follow the Lamb where ever He goes and at the time of the GT the Lamb is standing in israel an actual place on earth. zech. 14:1-5, rev. 14:1, luke 21:20-22)...the GC are taken out of the GT which happens on earth. -
When did the Great Crowd start forming?
by Vanderhoven7 ini realize that rutherford received a flash of light regarding the identity of the gc in the year 1935, but that does not tell us when the crowd began to form.
what would be the earliest date?
any ideas or quotes from wt literature?
dear Vander...
You now know that WT has amended that teaching and so dishonest baiting isn't much of a strategy.
why not be frank? The WT taught...blah, blah, blah, and then the changed that teaching as recorded in such and such magazine. Now, because aspects of the new teaching are more in alignment with this particular scripture can "you" answer why or how a bible-based organization could be so wrong in the first place if they believe all scripture is profitable....etc?
Isn't honesty the best policy? like, what if the witness whips out the WT questions from readers that prologos cited?...then what are you going to say?
by Terry inon (new testament scholar) bart ehrman's blog, the topic of luke's view of the purpose of jesus'.
death has been discussed.. in that discussion, ehrman points out how luke did not set forth the idea of atonement, rather luke set forth the idea of forgiveness.. on the other hand, mark and paul teach atonement.. these two points of view have been "mashed together" into a package deal, apparently, throughout history by theologians.. _________________________.
someone pays a debt owed by another.
dear Terry...
If "we" = humanity then 1, 2 and 3 are not true of everyone and neither is the desire to be forgiven a trespass. The idea that "humanity" has a yearning to improve is false. improvement is relative to individual standards not at all about a set of "given standards" to be attained by humanity. "we" is corporate identity which simply doesn't reflect the reality of "humanity" as we know it.
God deals with individuals and so He levelled the playing field in Christ.
God sees us...doing things to appease Him isn't going to get us anywhere. Psalm 51:16-17
love michelle
When did the Great Crowd start forming?
by Vanderhoven7 ini realize that rutherford received a flash of light regarding the identity of the gc in the year 1935, but that does not tell us when the crowd began to form.
what would be the earliest date?
any ideas or quotes from wt literature?
I can't figure out why a WT false date would matter or where you're going with this Vander...the whole notion that the great crowd has started "gathering" is untenable...scripture says they came OUT OF the great tribulation...the great tribulation hasn't begun...rev. 7:14.
daniel 12:1 states the GT is going to be the worst possible time for the JEWS and their only relief IS deliverance through God's salvation.
love michelle
Jehovahs Witnesses and the Name , HOW Important. ?
by smiddy injehovah`s witnesses place great emphasis on the importance of god`s name as jehovah .so much so that they are often accused by christendom`s religions as substituting jehovah for christ.. the old testament ( hebrew scriptures identify god as the tetragrammaton four hebrew consanants yhwh and not jhvh.
as mistakenly believed by a 13th century spanish monk .. modern scholars including the j.w.`s agree that the more accurate pronunciation of gods name would be more nearer to yahweh than the name jehovah .. so why do j.w.`s insist on the name ?
jehovah ?
dear TheWonderofYou...
thank you for your effort in shedding more light on the name of God.
We do have to have patience with people who don't know the truth but I have to question how patience and "letting them be" can be balanced with the knowledge that the JW's aren't actually doing anything in the name of Jesus...the toto of their doctrines are in fact hindering knowledge of Jesus. Jesus, His forgiveness, mercy and ALL that He gives to man is taught to a JW as benefitting ONLY the elect 144,000. That teaching prohibits them from preaching the gospel of Christ. A study learns about the gospel...kinda...with the proviso that it isn't for them per se. Their dogma negates anything they might teach about the gospel. They are neither with Jesus or for Him, so to speak.
love michelle
Jehovahs Witnesses and the Name , HOW Important. ?
by smiddy injehovah`s witnesses place great emphasis on the importance of god`s name as jehovah .so much so that they are often accused by christendom`s religions as substituting jehovah for christ.. the old testament ( hebrew scriptures identify god as the tetragrammaton four hebrew consanants yhwh and not jhvh.
as mistakenly believed by a 13th century spanish monk .. modern scholars including the j.w.`s agree that the more accurate pronunciation of gods name would be more nearer to yahweh than the name jehovah .. so why do j.w.`s insist on the name ?
jehovah ?
dear Finkelstein...
you said, "Aren't they really Christan Witnesses since they are supposedly preaching the Gospel of Christ."...
are they?...2 timothy 1:8-10
love michelle
Jehovahs Witnesses and the Name , HOW Important. ?
by smiddy injehovah`s witnesses place great emphasis on the importance of god`s name as jehovah .so much so that they are often accused by christendom`s religions as substituting jehovah for christ.. the old testament ( hebrew scriptures identify god as the tetragrammaton four hebrew consanants yhwh and not jhvh.
as mistakenly believed by a 13th century spanish monk .. modern scholars including the j.w.`s agree that the more accurate pronunciation of gods name would be more nearer to yahweh than the name jehovah .. so why do j.w.`s insist on the name ?
jehovah ?
A huge part of being a "witness" is the written testimony (romans 3:2)...(revelation 12:11)...both the hebrew witnesses and the christian (Jesus said, "you will be My witnesses") witnesses are "witnesses of Jehovah" because the continuing oracle or revelation of Christ isn't seperate but subsequent to the hebrew witness.
Jehovahs Witnesses and the Name , HOW Important. ?
by smiddy injehovah`s witnesses place great emphasis on the importance of god`s name as jehovah .so much so that they are often accused by christendom`s religions as substituting jehovah for christ.. the old testament ( hebrew scriptures identify god as the tetragrammaton four hebrew consanants yhwh and not jhvh.
as mistakenly believed by a 13th century spanish monk .. modern scholars including the j.w.`s agree that the more accurate pronunciation of gods name would be more nearer to yahweh than the name jehovah .. so why do j.w.`s insist on the name ?
jehovah ?
dear smiddy...
as well as the JW claim that "they alone lift up God's true name" being false there ARE consequences in the WTBTS manipulation of the name. I believe that needs to be explored otherwise the excersize is superficial.
The spiritual aspect of knowing Jehovah as God Almighty vs. knowing Him as The Father is significant...the bible even alludes to the idea that how a person "knows" God is a determining factor in whether God "knows" that person. The anecdotal evidence is overwhelming, JW's don't show the love of Christ in themselves because God Almighty is not in them. Their joy is the short lived joy of bringing ones into the truth/org. not the "everlasting shouts of joy" like the angels experience when someone is brought to Christ. JW's don't show the patience or sorrow of the Holy Spirit because God Almighty is not in them. The JW doesn't grieve for the lost whether one of their own, a study or those in the world. The patience is short lived, and the heart towards the other grows cold. This is not the character of God displayed in and through someone He knows.
The bible gives assurance of this dynamic, john 14:7, 11,17, 21. The implication is that the JW can't even KNOW the Father if they don't KNOW the Son first as the bible states that no one "goes" to the Father unless they go through the Son. That's the reason the Father draws a person to the Son...john 6:44.
Indeed, the dynamic is the only reason the bible is called the living word...alive and sharper than a two edged sword...God Almighty expresses Himself through it AS the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
love michelle