"Rev. 6:9-11 these are souls under the alter who were slain for the word of God and for the testimony which they held.
The GC have washed their robes but there is no indication that they were slain for their testimony...the language and scene is more evocative of a last minute "revival". (Yay!!)"
Further evidence to the claim that the souls under the alter are not the same "group" as those in the GC is found in 1 corinthians 16:51-54. The souls under the alter are numbered as those who DIED for the word of God (pre-tribulation)
At the last trumpet there will be a group who will be "translated" without dying.(taken out of the great tribulation)...THEN the angels will gather together the elect [jews] from the four corners of the earth (matthew 24:29-31, rev. 7:1,3...)
love michelle