read the update...who to believe?
it seems unbelievable but turkey (a nato member state) shooting down a russian jet fighter on their syrian border seems to be "meh" news and no one is too bothered about it too much.. the world seems a bit upside down right now.
i don't think a lot of countries really know who the hell they are fighting and who is and isn't on their side in it all and really what is going on.. smaller incidents than this have led to major conflicts in the past but hopefully calm heads will prevail.
china shot down a us spy plane years ago and the world survived and forgot about it so things will move on i'm sure.. i'm guessing the price turkey pays for their gas supply from russia will be going up soon though.. man, that republican primary is sucking all the news attention from the room.
read the update...who to believe?
i was just thinking about how the wts has been spouting off for years that satan and his demons were cast down to the vicinity of the earth in 1914, but really, when you think about it, what was the difference before 1914 or after 1914?.
its not like satan and his demons did not have access to the earth.
satan and his demons always were messing with earth.
dear TheWonderofYou...
I suspect you are missing something. If you had read the comments on your thread you would have noticed that I commented on something someone had said about the war between God and satan and then someone asked me more questions, which I tried to answer.
Sometimes on forums people have comments and questions on the periphery of the OP.
so, what do you intend to do with these points once they're collected? How are you planning to get an audience with the service department?
i was just thinking about how the wts has been spouting off for years that satan and his demons were cast down to the vicinity of the earth in 1914, but really, when you think about it, what was the difference before 1914 or after 1914?.
its not like satan and his demons did not have access to the earth.
satan and his demons always were messing with earth.
i was just thinking about how the wts has been spouting off for years that satan and his demons were cast down to the vicinity of the earth in 1914, but really, when you think about it, what was the difference before 1914 or after 1914?.
its not like satan and his demons did not have access to the earth.
satan and his demons always were messing with earth.
dear westiebilly11...
the bible OT doesn't say the angels materialized into human bodies. It also says that their offspring were not mere humans. This means that they had their own bodies with angelic dna and that they were capable of reproducing WITH humans. The physical offspring of these unions were destroyed in the flood but the spiritual entity of each was not destroyed they are those call demonic spirits. It is the fallen angels themselves who had the ability to move from the spiritual dimention to the physical dimention (like the resurrected Christ) in an actual body.
These angelic/human offspring have been destroying the earth for a long time and it is they who will inhabit human bodies...that's why it is called demon possession, but demons can be "cast out" and the human "regains" his senses (so to speak). According to the book of enoch these offspring are more or less free to cause destruction to men until sometime before the great judgement when they will be cast into the deepest valleys of the earth to await their fate.
enoch chapter 6
i was just thinking about how the wts has been spouting off for years that satan and his demons were cast down to the vicinity of the earth in 1914, but really, when you think about it, what was the difference before 1914 or after 1914?.
its not like satan and his demons did not have access to the earth.
satan and his demons always were messing with earth.
Someone said the war is between God and satan but this isn't the case. The war is between man and satan. Jesus defeated satan on the cross as a means to help man in this struggle. That's why we're in a spiritual war. The only way for a man to ultimately defeat satan (himself) is to accept Jesus as his saviour and gain the help of the Holy Spirit in seeing through the deceptions of satan and his demons when he tries to draw a person from the truth of Jesus Christ. This can be done in many ways...the WTBTS has been very successful in replacing Jesus in the conscience of millions. When Jesus is replaced in the conscience of a person then a person will believe all kinds of things that the "replacement" says. :(
the Holy Spirit will keep a person in the word...that's how He brings to rememberance things Jesus has said. It is the way to descern truth from lies. A replacement will subtley edge a person away from the word and "feed" you from the word. This is subtle because it is the Holy Spirit that leads a person through the bible. There is nothing of a personal nature between a person and God if that one is "fed" the same food as everyone else at the same time. There is no room for the individual just conformity to the replacement. Of course, that "replacement" can also be your own self and not Jesus.
why do YOU think that individual bible study is a threat to an organization that calls itself christian?
i realize that rutherford received a flash of light regarding the identity of the gc in the year 1935, but that does not tell us when the crowd began to form.
what would be the earliest date?
any ideas or quotes from wt literature?
dear Crazyguy...
given the roll call scene of the gathering of the elect and the time frame of the scene, that the 144,000 are sealed with the implication that they are priests...evangelist even, to people of all nations to bring them into reconciliation with God and out of the GT I believe this is more like a military array. Very structured...reminiscent of numbers 10:1-9...but it certainly does REQUIRE that the 144,000 are obedient to the covenant of exodus 19:5-6.
dear Finkelstein...
"Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were not willing. Look, your house is left to you desolate. For I tell you, you will not see me again until you say, ‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.’"
the fulfillment of that prophesy isn't in all the people SENT in the name of the finds fulfillment when all of jerusalem exclaims, "blessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD".
love michelle
dear Finkelstein...
we are still in "the last days"...ALL things that were written and prophesied in the bible weren't fulfilled. Matthew 23:37-39
p.s. being aware of and disseminating information about current events isn't fear mongering anymore than disregarding the same is being completely oblivious.
Just an observation: people who relinquish critical thinking skills will allow for 'derogitory labels' hurled at opposition to become their measurement of truth. The "label" will be enough "fact" to make a firm decision.
dear JWdaughter...
ISIS doesn't have to trek from iraq to pakistan to be a threat to nuclear stability. A minority of pakistani muslims are shia and in all likelihood there are some who desire to advance the cause of the radical sunni islamists, ISIS. The security of pakistani nuclear facilities is no doubt an issue on the table in certain circles.