dear westiebilly11...
I consider that according to the bible angels don't look much different than we do and so perhaps saying their own dna isn't quite right. Isn't it true that because of the work of Christ man will himself have a body like unto Jesus...which was able to move between dimensions after His resurrection?
God created the angelic body to inhabit the heavens. Like the resurrected Christ it wasn't a "spirit" was called a spiritual body. Like the resurrected Christ, flesh and bone (but not blood)
remember that God put enmity between satan's SEED and the woman's seed. Interestingly it is satan's angels that reproduced with women. It may be that a woman's "seed" (ovum) doesn't have this "spirit potential" (?) of corruption as male seed does (male angels)...hence the eventual birth of the perfect man through a woman. Which isn't to say women can't be spiritually corrupted but the bible says that the male angels became spiritually corrupted and had children with women and that the seed of these male angels PRODUCED spiritually corrupted offspring...demons.
I had a lengthy discussion with a lady and it boiled down to this: if you are actually casting demons out of your congregants then your church is in big trouble. The only defence is the indwelling Holy Spirit.
Here are some excerpts:
(Tracy) ok... I wanted to say thank you sister for your comments. However, we will have to agree to disagree on the subject that christians cannot have demons. I have been anointed for the deliverance ministry. My team and I cast demons out of born again christians through Jesus Christ almost every day. It is simply amazing how the Holy Spirit moves in this ministry! Can I ask you something? Can/would the Holy Spirit dwell in the same area as sin?
(Me)Christians sin. A christian sinning isn't the same thing as having another entity within you. Sin is not one and the same as a demon. If that is your position then you haven't made a distinction between a real entity called a demon and the actions he inspires. Or conversely, the Holy Spirit and the action He inspires.
I understand that you believe that christians are coming to you and that you are casting out their demons...but...the idea that a demon can dwell in the same body as the Holy Spirit is completely foreign to scripture. A born again believer is a sanctified vessel and is called the temple of the Living God precisely because of the presence of the Holy Spirit.
In other words...God wont share His "space" with a demon regardless of what you sincerely believe.
(Tracy)deliverance is the children's bread! As a matter of fact, the last thing Jesus commanded before he went into heaven was for his ppl to cast out demons in the last chapter of Luke. The Biblical version of blaspheming the Holy Spirit was when they would attribute the works of the Holy Spirit to the work of satan. I would be very careful coming against the Lord's deliverance ministry!
(Me) Tracy, demons are cast out before the Holy Spirit enters. Aside of the fact that you're not understanding the theological implications of what you're're not understanding what the bible is saying. The signs and wonders were a precursor TO belief.
When you say demons can live in the same body as the Holy Spirit and then say I believe this because this other deliverance ministry says they can...that is circular reasoning.
The BIBLE text does not support the idea that the Holy Spirit can dwell in the same body as a demon. Before He was glorified, Jesus saw satan cast out of heaven. Heaven itself was cleansed before Jesus typifies the earthly sequence. A person is born again, the Holy Spirit "abodes" in them and demons are already gone.
Allow me to show you ephesians 6:12-17...the whole armour of God is "designed" to be a defence against the demons. If it doesn't provide protection (for the believer) from demon possession then it isn't very useful, is it?
(Tracy) if they are cast out before the Holy Spirit what was the thorn in the flesh in Paul?
(Me) The bible doesn't say but it is commonly held to be the loss of sight. Honestly if it was a demon in paul, why would Jesus say, "My grace is sufficient for you." essence Jesus would be saying there's NO NEED to cast out demons if you have His grace. You'd be out of "business", so to speak.
(Tracy) it was a messenger from satan... IN the flesh.... yes, it was a demon indeed! I dont make any money so I dont have a
(Me) Paul's partial blindness was spoken of as a deficiency that he thought hindered his mission (therefore anything that hindered his mission he saw as a messenger of satan) Jesus' response indicates that His grace was sufficient for paul to carry on with his ministry. Otherwise, Jesus was can continue your ministry with that demon in you. The principle behind "a house divided can not stand" would have no meaning what so ever.
😊 I didn't mean to insinuate that you made any money for what you do. It was simply a phrase like doing the Lord's "work"...there isn't any money in it but we are about the "business" of our Father.
(Me) Tracy, waging war on the host of hell is not casting demons out of born again believers. The scriptures don't agree with you...the Holy Spirit will not dwell in the same body as a demon. That IS one of the first principles of God!!!