dear EverApostate...
Scripture doesn't say the law was nailed to the cross. It says, "Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to His cross;"... as you have said, the law of God is everlasting.
If a person does what God says to do, he will be blessed. If a person doesn't do what God says to do, he will be cursed. If a person doesn't do what God says don't do, he will be blessed. If a person does do what God says don't do, he will be cursed.
Disobedience toward God is a sin. Sin against God is worthy of death, that is the gist of the law. When Jesus hung on the cross, He became sin, 2 Corinthians 5:21. In so doing, He blotted out that which was against us, our sin debt. He didn't blot out the law, contrary to what "Lost in the fog" said.
Without the written law, we wouldn't really know what sinning against man is (sinning against someone would be relative to how we feel)...or at least the extent of our sinful ways. When we sin against man, we are ALSO sinning against God in our disobedience. As the apostle Paul said in Romans 7:7.
If there is no law, the penalty of death for breaking it (sin) is moot. The christian message of reconciliation to God by remission of sins through Jesus is completely lost.