Perhaps Jesus was simply stating that He didn't have the luxury of eating with his apostles until the kingdom is established. John 5:17 states that,"My Father has kept working until now, and I keep working."
ok, a verse that had always thought odd was luke 22:16,18 (cf matt 26:29mark 14:25, luke 22:18) where jesus is made to say when reclining to eat the meal " for i say to you that never in any way will i eat of it until it is bountifully provided in the kingdom of god!
" and "truly i say to you,that in no way will i drink from the produce of the vine until the kingdom of god is come!
i know the numerous attempts to interpret the passage as symbolic but it sounds to me like a vow to abstain until the kingdom arrived.
Perhaps Jesus was simply stating that He didn't have the luxury of eating with his apostles until the kingdom is established. John 5:17 states that,"My Father has kept working until now, and I keep working."
come to the wedding.
' for i say to you that god is able to raise up children to abraham from these stones.
' for i say to you that god is able to raise up children to abraham from these stones.
My life broke me, nothing seemed to go the way that I figured it should go. I was after all a "good person". One day I just talked to God and told him that I was lost and I couldn't do anything right, I begged him to forgive me for my sin of not allowing him to lead me. I asked him to give me the strength to continue my life walking in his ways and not my own.
I guess the first thing that happened was God showed me that my life amounted to nothing dispite my trying for years to make myself happy. So He humbled me first.
come to the wedding.
' for i say to you that god is able to raise up children to abraham from these stones.
' for i say to you that god is able to raise up children to abraham from these stones.
So you deserve eternal life because you are more humble?
D Dog,
I have been reading this post and have not the time right now to read it all but, I did notice this question of yours and don't know if anyone else answered it for you.
I would say part of humbleing yourself before God would be the understanding and acceptance that we don't deserve any of the blessings (including everlasting life) that God has given us.
love michelle
i just wanted to share something with you that i believe is very important.
2 tim 3:16 states: all scripture is inspired of god and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, that the man of god may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work.
now we are told that in every thing we do, every day of our lives we can turn to gods word to help us, to equip us, to feed us for every good work.
I expect he meant all the scripture that he had access to at the time. I believe that all the scripture in the Bible that we have now is beneficial. I have not read a Catholic Bible, I could but frankly I would be leary of any scripture that advocated the worship of or prayer to anyone but God (Matthew 4:10) I also believe that Jesus is my mediator (1Tim 2:5) That's just me though, I know that everyone has their own belief system and I wouldn't and don't force anyone to believe anything.
i just wanted to share something with you that i believe is very important.
2 tim 3:16 states: all scripture is inspired of god and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, that the man of god may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work.
now we are told that in every thing we do, every day of our lives we can turn to gods word to help us, to equip us, to feed us for every good work.
seven 006,
You are right God has made allowance for people that never get to know Jesus because of the circumstances they were born into.
Galatians 5:22-23 Gods laws of the spirit
Hebrews 10 :14-18 people showing the fruit of the Spirit (because the laws are written on their heart) are forgiven
He that lives by the Spirit of God's laws, dies physically within the spirit of those laws.
He that does not live by the spirit of God's laws ...Matt 25:46
i just wanted to share something with you that i believe is very important.
2 tim 3:16 states: all scripture is inspired of god and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, that the man of god may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work.
now we are told that in every thing we do, every day of our lives we can turn to gods word to help us, to equip us, to feed us for every good work.
Dear Terry,
When that slave is the beginning and the end.
i just wanted to share something with you that i believe is very important.
2 tim 3:16 states: all scripture is inspired of god and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, that the man of god may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work.
now we are told that in every thing we do, every day of our lives we can turn to gods word to help us, to equip us, to feed us for every good work.
dear brad,
I knew i left my self open (no pun intended) for comments like yours and so I was going to add at the end of my post.
Does that sound "dirty"?
I didn't just so i could hear from you
i just wanted to share something with you that i believe is very important.
2 tim 3:16 states: all scripture is inspired of god and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, that the man of god may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work.
now we are told that in every thing we do, every day of our lives we can turn to gods word to help us, to equip us, to feed us for every good work.
By your reasoning a religious text's validity is based on how long it has gone without being changed.
Dear Do,
My reasoning of a a religious text's validity is actually based on how long it has been around.
Dear simplesally,
I am a Bible believing, God loving christian with no "religious" affiliation. Although I really do support the Alliance Church in their missionary position.
i just wanted to share something with you that i believe is very important.
2 tim 3:16 states: all scripture is inspired of god and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, that the man of god may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work.
now we are told that in every thing we do, every day of our lives we can turn to gods word to help us, to equip us, to feed us for every good work.
Grog, that's right, and that's why The Word could be appointed over all His belongings.Matthew 24:47
i just wanted to share something with you that i believe is very important.
2 tim 3:16 states: all scripture is inspired of god and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, that the man of god may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work.
now we are told that in every thing we do, every day of our lives we can turn to gods word to help us, to equip us, to feed us for every good work.
Also of special note is Johns declaration that Jesus is also called The Word (of God)