dear Tammy...
you said: "Because you limit the full power of the Holy Spirit to a chosen few"...I would hardly call millions and millions of people who have entered into the unity of the Father and Son since the beginning of the church "a few".
didn't Jesus Christ disfellowship/ex-communicate the pharisees from Himself, His disciples and the kingdom, Tammy?
"You sure about that?
They rejected Him. They killed Him. They 'disfellowshipped/ex-communicated' Him and his disciples from their temple."
...Jesus heard their "case" and judged them didn't He?...were they, at any point, asked to enter into fellowship with Him? His disciples? or were they told that they wouldn't enter into the kingdom?...He sounded pretty firm on His ruling...the church, however, remembering that they were shown mercy by Jesus Christ may disfellowship or ex-communicate a person but they also welcome back a repentant sinner...just like God has shown them to do.
you said: "As for the things on love: let me ask you a question Michelle. Of those who have not been given an opportunity to know Christ or God (but who do act in love toward their fellow man, golden rule, mercy, forgiveness and all that)... do you think those people are going to hell?" ...I kinda thought you would continue your "law of love" arguement...I've commented in other posts to you and others about what I believe about those who HAVEN'T heard the gospel. Lets bring this a little closer to home, shall we?...Tammy, are there ANY gentiles here who don't have the law?...or haven't heard the gospel of Jesus Christ?...NOT likely...that IS the power of God in and for the church...2 cor 10:3-6...ephesians 6:10-17...I'll ask you again: "When gentiles do by nature the things of the law they are a law unto themselves...the nature of the law is an eye for an eye...therefore, do unto others as you would have them do unto you...what has this got to do with people being forgiven solely on the basis of their apprehending the shed blood of Jesus Christ for their salvation?"...since NONE of the people here are without the law (unless they are saved by the shed blood of Jesus Christ) they will be judged by the law...and you know that NO ONE can keep the law. How is your "law of love" going to cover them? The Holy Spirit has succeeded in using the ministrations of the church to bring these people here AND their every thought captive to Christ in order that they make a decision FOR Jesus Christ and you're letting them off the hook, so to speak, by feeding them a lie, your "law of love" ...Jesus said in john 8:24 "Therefore I said to you that you will die in your sins; for if you do not believe that I am He, you will die in your sins." and here almost 2000 years later you say, words to the effect, surely you will not die...
the theology of the historical/orthodox church from the time of the apostles to this very day is consistant with what Jesus Christ taught...all that He taught...not just the points that can make Him seem to be non-judgemental towards those who reject Him.
you said: "I would have to disagree on that. Does the church still teach that someone who commits suicide cannot be buried on holy ground, and is not going to heaven? What about not being called teachers? What about giving all you have to the poor? Christ did not sit in a huge cathedral, with gold and jewels dripping off him; with ties to political interests, etc. What good was any of that 'theology' when the church did not follow Christ, but instead followed its own interests, lying and saying that those were in the name of Christ? What good was that theology when native american children were being abused and deprived of their heritage and families?
you said: "So what good is theology without love? It is nothing without love, Michelle. Absolutely nothing. Love covers over a multitude of sins, Michelle. Not correct theology."
...are you making a distinction between theology and doctrines or those within the church who are disciples of Jesus Christ and those who are not?...are you taking into account the protestant reformation which saw the church grow and mature in its formation of doctrine (not theology)? theology is the study of God and how He relates to the world. christian theology is the study of how God relates to the world and His church. Which makes me wonder...why do you go on about the sins of the church but you wont cover or forgive the multitude of them? hold those sins against the the church and bring them up to suit your that Christ like?
you said: "It [doctrines] changed from the beginning. You can see that clearly just from looking at the apostles creed vs. the nicene creed. The nicene creed 'added' to the apostles creed."...
...the theological and scholarly consensus was clarified in a written document for the benefit of those who were to teach and preach so that it would be known throughout the congregations that this wasn't just the opinion of a few people. this theology of God would form a sound foundation in which Jesus IS the cornerstone. With that many witnesses anyone can and should trust, put faith in and continue to build faith in the God expoused in that theology. that theology witnessed by the Holy Spirit held the hearts of men until recently, Tammy. With the advent of contrary cults and sects that came up with their own theology and subsequently caused men to follow other doctrines as well...mens hearts hardened and many no longer want to endure even sound theology...they would prefer to wander their own way...even when Jesus sends out shepherds to bring them back...
let me ask you, has your lord done his job as far as shepherding you into a great flock of his sheep?
love michelle