dear Tammy...
you said: "But Christ did make those statements about those who did good to even the least of his brothers; and the sheep entering the kingdom did NOT know Him, but did all the things that He asked of us. So they do have the law (which is of love) written on their hearts."...
it wasn't that these didn't know Jesus (at least in the sense that you are suggesting), Tammy. both addressed Jesus as Lord...they did do things as doing it unto Him or they didn't do things as doing it unto Him
the natural "law" that God found when searching the heart of man is more in keeping with:"The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked"...
in order for some one to have the "law of love" WRITTEN on their heart, someone would have to WRITE over the natural law that God found. Jesus does not impose Himself on anyone or their heart...
given that the intention of Jesus IS to glorify God, the FIRST law ever written on the heart of a believer is love the Lord GOD and then the one just like your neighbour as yourself.
love michelle