WHAT THE HELL is the point......?
1.UNDESERVED kindness
Ask yourself why you don't DESERVE kindness. If God says you don't DESERVE something and he gives it to you anyway...who is conflicted here?? Who is breaking their own moral code? Who is violating what justice is all about? In short, it makes no frickin' sense!
God didn't kill Adam and prior to letting them breed billions and billions of sinners . He let them breed, for heaven's sakes!
Allowing defective children to be born is not fair!
Allowing billions of kids to experience pain, suffering, ignorance, poverty and disease isn't kind, loving or moral either.
The problem with this explanation is that Adam and Eve had UNCONCEIVED children before they had UNBORN children. It is only because Jehovah didn't step in and stop the conception of doomed children that we have the doctrine of ARMAGEDDON.
Let's see if I have this straight....
The Law of Moses was a Perfect law. Eye for Eye and tooth for tooth.
Justice is getting what you deserve and not getting what you don't. Humans are sinners. Sinners deserve death.
Jesus was a perfect human and didn't deserve to die.
Jesus DID die. Humans are granted an undeserved benefit: Life.
Justice goes out the window. What is the point in basing the Perfect Law (eye for eye..tooth for tooth) on Justice, then?
4. Jesus carefully selected 12 Apostles in person. Jesus carefully instructed his Apostles in person day by day.
They never seemed to understand much of what he said. After his death they became teachers. But, who comes along and
explains all the history of god's dealings with mankind and the secret innermost mysteries of Jesus? The "apostle" Paul who never met
Jesus or had face to face instructions!
5. The Jews were the People of the Book. They had the written word. The first christian leaders assembled the holy writings and created a bible canon.
So, for One Thousand Five Hundred years this bible canon contained 73 books! Then suddenly Protestants throw out 7 of them! Today devout christians insist the bible in the inerrant word of God and don't seem to care about the missing 7 books!
Did God approve the BAD SEVEN all those 15 centuries?