dear New Chapter...
thank you for the complementary things that you've said, and thank you for understanding, quite clearly, my pov.
dear Tammy...
I have said that I believe that AGuest loves an entity and hears a voice that she calls her lord...I think that she is being deceived by a demon and she disseminates the teaching that that entity gives her.
I have said that I think that you are being deceived by that same demon, whether directly or through AGuest I don't know...but I don't think that you "follow" it and I've never said that. In fact, I've mentioned more than once that I think that you follow or display your own values and characteristics which are kind and nice...they appear to us all to be Christ-like.
But this is why I think you are being deceived. scripture states that when you are in Christ you are crucified with Him and it is no longer you that lives but Christ lives in you(gal 2:20)...and that God works to reveal His Son in you(gal 1:16)...and that you have put on Christ (gal 3:27)...and that Christ is being formed in you (gal 4:19) scripture also states that there is one Spirit of Christ and if that same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in are His. (romans 8:9,11). You have been deceived into believeing that AGuest has that Spirit of Christ without God having displayed any of His power in making her over to be of or reveal the same Spirit AS Christ. She admits that she is not like Christ but that she tries..."oh, how she tries but,..." she says. The truth is this...Jesus says, "If you abide in Me, I will abide in you." (1 corinthians 12:13)
You have testified that you are in union with the same "christ" that AGuest is in union with...and that is where you are deceived. That "spirit" is not the Spirit of Christ...your own character and values are closer to the Spirit of Christ...but, for some reason which is only known to you, you have allowed yourself to be blinded and you favor the "spirit" or entity that AGuest witnesses to.
dear AGuest...
I trust that other people that have checked out your site are reporting the truth of what they have seen...I didn't need to go there myself to comment on things they have posted here. I can also surmise who some of the people are who are over there waiting on your "word"...they did the same thing here.
dear OUTLAW...
I wasn't including you with those I am concerned about...I was speaking about those who are lapping up that which is falsely called knowledge...those who are making spiritual alliances, conflicting "spirits" joining house to house, so to speak, under the pretense of being of the same spirit as Christ. This is what worries and concerns me...a diplomatic agenda to gather people together under a false receive the mark of the beast.
I am not purposefully attempting to be critical of AGuest...I want to warn her as much as anyone else. It is the "spirit" that she witnesses to, that has aligned itself with her that I seek to expose as a false christ.
love michelle