rats!...I don't even know anyone there to ask them to stop by for you
JoinedPosts by myelaine
Over 184 million served ...
by Simon intopic pages that is (not counting home page, active or subject pages).
holy crap, you lot like to talk and read a lot !.
we're currently getting about 1.8 million page views (across all pages) and ~ 150k unique visitors (275k visits in total) per month.. glad i have a plan to move things to the cloud soon!.
Over 184 million served ...
by Simon intopic pages that is (not counting home page, active or subject pages).
holy crap, you lot like to talk and read a lot !.
we're currently getting about 1.8 million page views (across all pages) and ~ 150k unique visitors (275k visits in total) per month.. glad i have a plan to move things to the cloud soon!.
#228 Calcutta
#241 Swaziland
PERFORMANCE: the role of the Governing Body of mystical magicians
by Terry inthe truth about magic.
the truth about magic is that a magician jealously guards his secrets for a different reason than you might at first imagine.
it is the art of misdirection combined with the concealment of the important element or fact that sets you up to be fooled.. both a magician and a religious authority change the rules of reality.
dear Terry...
The WTBTS gives people what they want initally, whether it is "knowledge", a "family", or "protection". A continued loyalty to them provides that (aside from the inherent evil that is festering). The only "trick" is that a person has to keep paying whether in or out. That is the "nature" of buying into a lie.
love michelle
PERFORMANCE: the role of the Governing Body of mystical magicians
by Terry inthe truth about magic.
the truth about magic is that a magician jealously guards his secrets for a different reason than you might at first imagine.
it is the art of misdirection combined with the concealment of the important element or fact that sets you up to be fooled.. both a magician and a religious authority change the rules of reality.
dear Terry...
are you telling me that that smart kid who grew up with a seeking grandpa was "tricked" by "proof texts"?...
I'll believe that of others but not you.
love michelle
Apocryphal Books of the Bible
by nativenyr23 inwas watching a history channel program last night (yeah, i'm a history channel geek!
) and was introduced for the first time in my life to the apocryphal books of the bible?!?!?!?!?
dear mP...
the koran is only part of the history of the islamic movement...there are also the hadiths, which are more lengthy. they go into the details of what happened in mohammad's campaigns as well as the manipulative nature of his rise to power.
God chose israel as a people. in those days, as in these days, there were wars between nations. The difference between these nations was the fact that God wanted israel to succeed in order that His Christ would be delivered through the nation He chose...to be a blessing to all who would choose Him.
There is no other people nation that God chose.
The thing about king david is that he REPENTED of his sins. God always accepts people who have repentance in their heart.
love michelle
Apocryphal Books of the Bible
by nativenyr23 inwas watching a history channel program last night (yeah, i'm a history channel geek!
) and was introduced for the first time in my life to the apocryphal books of the bible?!?!?!?!?
Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty, Who was and is and is to come!
love michelle
Apocryphal Books of the Bible
by nativenyr23 inwas watching a history channel program last night (yeah, i'm a history channel geek!
) and was introduced for the first time in my life to the apocryphal books of the bible?!?!?!?!?
PERFORMANCE: the role of the Governing Body of mystical magicians
by Terry inthe truth about magic.
the truth about magic is that a magician jealously guards his secrets for a different reason than you might at first imagine.
it is the art of misdirection combined with the concealment of the important element or fact that sets you up to be fooled.. both a magician and a religious authority change the rules of reality.
dear Terry...
how were you "tricked"...I thought you said you liked the prestige of being a JW? I thought you said that you admired your friend Johnny's "knowledge" and you wanted it for yourself? I thought you said that you spent years honing your "craft"?
love michelle
What used to worry you the most about the great trib and Armageddon?
by Julia Orwell ini worried most about losing my dear family, but i also had silly worries like, what would happen to my pets?
say i didn't have a chance to let the cats out, they would starve inside my house.
and what if people were so starving because of the big gt famine and stole my chickens!
dear Julia Orwell...
God loves people and animals.
The reports from the WTBTS about how armeggedon happens are false. The bible tells us that the warfare is spiritual not physical. Jesus came to win our hearts and minds to Himself. Even now the mission of the church is to win peoples hearts and minds to Him. Armegeddon is not literal fire coming down from God as is portrayed in that horrible paradise lost book (pg 208-209).
The "fire" actually starts here on earth. It is the same "fire" that was seen as tongues of fire on the heads of the first believers.
"When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance". (acts 2:1-4)
The fire is the Holy Spirit!...enabeling believers to spread the gospel. If you will read the book of joel, chapter 2 tells you how this "fire" spreads around the world...even gathering people (the nations) into "judgement"...Jesus, by the Holy Spirit will be winning hearts and minds to Himself. In the end the spiritual forces and sources of evil will be routed and caused to retreat by a cleansing of minds by the Holy Spirit. Then God will personally destroy the evil spirit forces that lead man astray ("fire" from heaven").
Having said that...there are HUMANS who are completely reprobate and the sight of such a world wide Pentecost might cause them to snap...however, I trust my God to stay their hand for this hallowed event. If there are people who lose their lives during this event I write: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on." Yes," says the Spirit, "that they may rest from their labours and their works follow them." rev. 14:13
love michelle
BUILD IT AND THEY WILL COME.....let's rebuild!
by Terry inokay we've all beat our chest, lamented and throttled the dead horse of aawa.. time to move on!.
i suggest those of us on j-w.n who care about creating something the right way take the trouble to get the framework going.. let's do the grunt work and get the nattering, debates, naming and organizing already pre-approved so that "others" who have the talent, ability, motivation and resources can move in and turn the key!.
because it was not done before.. there is more wisdom on this discussion board in our vast numbers than there could possibly be in a virtual boardroom with 8 people brain-storming.. that isn't an insult--it is just a statistical fact!.
From thence I went to another place, towards the west, unto the extremities of the earth. Where I beheld a fire blazing and running along without cessation, which intermitted in course neither by day nor by night; but continued always the same. I inquired saying, "What is this, which never ceases?" Then Raguel, one of the holy angels who were with me, answered, and said, "This blazing fire, which thou beholdest running towards the west, it that of all the luminaries of heaven." 1 enoch 23:1-5
love michelle