Topic pages that is (not counting home page, active or subject pages). Holy crap, you lot like to talk and read a lot !
We're currently getting about 1.8 million page views (across all pages) and ~ 150k unique visitors (275k visits in total) per month.
Glad I have a plan to move things to the cloud soon!
Thanks to everyone who continues to contribute to the discussions - it really does reach a wide audience.
Ok, for a fun challenge ... according to Google Analytics, in the last 5 years there's been:
1 place that we've had zero visits from
3 places that have provided a single visit
13 places that have had fewer than 10
Can you name any of them? So basically, the 227 th to 240 th places in the rankings ...
(I bet no one has atlases of the world anymore do they? I was fascinated by them as a kid).