Link: letter to congressional leaders on the threat of stealth jihad in america.
JoinedPosts by myelaine
Lifting the Veil on "Islamophobia"
by cofty inthe late christopher hitchens decribed the word islamophobia as "created by fascists, and used by cowards, to manipulate morons.. please take half an hour to read a fascinating conversation between sam harris and ayaan hirsi ali.. ayaan is an apostate from islam.
she fled to the netherlands in '92 to escape an arranged marriage and went on to become a member of the dutch government from 2003-2006.. ayaan is now a fellow with the future of diplomacy project at the belfer center for science and international affairs at the harvard kennedy school... she lives with round-the-clock security.. "some moderate muslims hate meand yes, thats a strong word, but i think what theyve said supports itbecause i make them feel uncomfortable.
the things i talk about put them in a state of dissonance that they cant live with.
Lifting the Veil on "Islamophobia"
by cofty inthe late christopher hitchens decribed the word islamophobia as "created by fascists, and used by cowards, to manipulate morons.. please take half an hour to read a fascinating conversation between sam harris and ayaan hirsi ali.. ayaan is an apostate from islam.
she fled to the netherlands in '92 to escape an arranged marriage and went on to become a member of the dutch government from 2003-2006.. ayaan is now a fellow with the future of diplomacy project at the belfer center for science and international affairs at the harvard kennedy school... she lives with round-the-clock security.. "some moderate muslims hate meand yes, thats a strong word, but i think what theyve said supports itbecause i make them feel uncomfortable.
the things i talk about put them in a state of dissonance that they cant live with.
dear talesin...
that statement isn't entirely true.
Perhaps Justitia can clear up your misunderstanding...
love michelle
Lifting the Veil on "Islamophobia"
by cofty inthe late christopher hitchens decribed the word islamophobia as "created by fascists, and used by cowards, to manipulate morons.. please take half an hour to read a fascinating conversation between sam harris and ayaan hirsi ali.. ayaan is an apostate from islam.
she fled to the netherlands in '92 to escape an arranged marriage and went on to become a member of the dutch government from 2003-2006.. ayaan is now a fellow with the future of diplomacy project at the belfer center for science and international affairs at the harvard kennedy school... she lives with round-the-clock security.. "some moderate muslims hate meand yes, thats a strong word, but i think what theyve said supports itbecause i make them feel uncomfortable.
the things i talk about put them in a state of dissonance that they cant live with.
"I'm not claiming there isn't a serious problem with fundamentalist Islam or that many of them aren't dangerous, and certainly many Muslim majority countries have many oppressive policies, but if we have benign religious Jews we can have benign muslims."
muslim isn't an ethnicity. Muslim is a religious title for someone who practices islam. one of the first tenents of islam is that mohammad is the pre-eminant messanger of allah. If one disagrees with mohammads instruction on war and the path to peace you are not actually practicing islam and one is rightly called an infidel by those who do practice it in the strict theological AND political sense. that one is no longer considered a muslim but an infidel.
in america it is easy to point to people and label them moderate muslims but when push comes to shove as long as they call THEMSELVES muslim they must support mohammads islamic agenda...and when confronted by a fundamentalist muslim with life or death they will chose to support the fundamentalist. Their moderate "convictions" disappear because of fear. It's easy to be a proud "moderate" muslim when your neck isn't literally at the edge of a sword. there is silence from "moderate" muslims in muslim majority countries...they keep their head down for good reason.
What is your favorite gospel music?
by Zoos inmy taste in music is pretty eclectic.
i was listening to some andrea bocelli this afternoon and found this on youtube.. .
oh my god!!!.
I prefer old hymns to contemporary christian music. The old hymns often reinforce doctrine and so can unite a congregation around its theme. In contrast the contemporary themes are vague and the words relay more of a subjective experience. I find the contemporary music hypnotic with its repetition of certain phrases at the end. I've heard people say that the repetition is meant to help settle your heart and mind to receive the Holy Spirit and the message or sermon. I say bah!...and agree with whoever it was who said this first..."it's the Holy Spirit that wills...I don't need to prime the pump".
love michelle
FORGIVENESS ... You owe it to your health
by ABibleStudent ini'm cleaning up my home of unnecessary magazines/newsletters that i have accumulated over the years.
while i was working as an employee i did not feel like i had the time to read them.
now that i'm not working as an employee but work as a volunteer to network and maintain workplace skills, i seem to have more time to read.. after reading many threads by former jws, i thought that the following article might help some to heal.
Talesin...I'm not talking about you.
FORGIVENESS ... You owe it to your health
by ABibleStudent ini'm cleaning up my home of unnecessary magazines/newsletters that i have accumulated over the years.
while i was working as an employee i did not feel like i had the time to read them.
now that i'm not working as an employee but work as a volunteer to network and maintain workplace skills, i seem to have more time to read.. after reading many threads by former jws, i thought that the following article might help some to heal.
Is it possible that some ex JW's have been so twisted that they don't know how to "be" healthy. what would they "be" if they didn't wear their victimization as a badge of honour?...
I'm only wondering this because I have heard it said that I couldn't possibly "understand what we've gone through"...well, I can certainly understand some of your experiences. I've noticed also that a few have been very dramatic in expressing their experiences. I'll be honest, as much as I'd like to validate your experience like a peep...spiritual abuse is not like sexual abuse, it's not like being raped to have your mind and your "rights" violated. Is there a cachet involved in being the most abused out of everyone...ever?
unlike BOTR my free-flowing thoughts will, no doubt, go over like a lead balloon.
love michelle
Is it kind of funny that JWs don't give Jesus resurrection day any notice?
by Comatose inif you think about it, for a die hard christian the day jesus was supposed to be resurrected and back in heaven, thereby fulfilling his earthly mission, is a very big day.
all the jws i know never even thought about it.
in fact if i had mentioned it, i bet they would have looked me at strangely.
Interesting article about the resurrection of Jesus Christ...
love michelle
FORGIVENESS ... You owe it to your health
by ABibleStudent ini'm cleaning up my home of unnecessary magazines/newsletters that i have accumulated over the years.
while i was working as an employee i did not feel like i had the time to read them.
now that i'm not working as an employee but work as a volunteer to network and maintain workplace skills, i seem to have more time to read.. after reading many threads by former jws, i thought that the following article might help some to heal.
dear Magnum...
I advocate a balance of TRUTH and LOVE as a means of reaching FORGIVENESS. Jesus spoke the truth of God and that truth wasn't received as kumbaya. It was divisive. Jesus spoke the truth because He loved people and He desired to save them from sin that is the result of following after forces who had swayed the world contrary to the real and abiding love (which isn't fickle as dependant on the desires of men). To forgive people who hurt you requires a heart 'like' God, imo.
people respond to a gentle spirit that speaks truth, love and forgiveness. Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks so, be "angry" but do not sin.
love michelle
FORGIVENESS ... You owe it to your health
by ABibleStudent ini'm cleaning up my home of unnecessary magazines/newsletters that i have accumulated over the years.
while i was working as an employee i did not feel like i had the time to read them.
now that i'm not working as an employee but work as a volunteer to network and maintain workplace skills, i seem to have more time to read.. after reading many threads by former jws, i thought that the following article might help some to heal.
dear Band...
the fact that the WTBTS is made up of family and friends ensures that the means of "abolition" is altered. The dynamics are completely different than other historical movements. If the WTBTS leaders are taking on and perpetuating a greater siege mentality then sustained anger and hateful words toward them will lead to even more isolationist behaviour. It wont ever encourage dialogue (which would be the most obvious path to change). Compassion, love and belief in something better is a powerful means of change, in yourself and for others. Jesus practiced this truth the bible never portrays Him as expecting His anger to change people...likewise, the Father ceased using angry words to bring change in peoples hearts (that is where change begins to happen, not the mind) and sent His beloved Son.
love michelle
Why am I not able to reply to posts?
by BlackJesus ini received this error "sorry, an error occurred while processing your request.
Are you clicking on the pencil icon at the top right of the post? That will give you the "sorry" message. You respond to a post at the bottom of the page. I hope you get it figured out :)