dear Terry...
thank you, beloved. I watched the whole video.
love michelle <3
call me crazy, but i love to watch seminary classes when sharp teachers are in charge of the instruction.. in the following video, the teacher really nails jehovah's witnesses on john 1:1 with utter simplicity.. begin at 1 hour and 20 minutes in.. i've never seen or heard of this before.. .
dear Terry...
thank you, beloved. I watched the whole video.
love michelle <3
James 5:19-20
dear JD...
I referred to our exchange through PM's not these public posts. I said this:
"As much as you keep saying that the koran confirms the scriptures as far as you can see. The koran denies the Fatherhood of God and the Sonship of Jesus. The koran denies that Jesus or anyone for that matter can or did die as propitiation for the sins of mankind. The koran completely ignores the meaning behind the jewish feasts and sacrificial system which was instituted as a means to lead people to Christ eventually (not as simply someone who is called Messiah or Christ or even the Word but, for WHAT He was sent to do which is much more than a Messenger or Prophet). Because the koran ignores this basic foundation and denies the crucifixion and denies the Fatherhood and Sonship it doesn't confirm the scriptures at all.
dear JD...
you said, "This is true. There is a huge cultural chasm filled with old English and poor verbiage. Elsewhere on these forums I've voiced my opinion that religion should be outlawed. I honestly believe this. Outlaw all religion, and no man will be able to rise up and inspire the crazy people to follow him. We don't have to outlaw the books IMO, just the organizations.
Option 2, outlaw the books too. If God is really there, he won't let this happen amd we can jump start this "end times" deal. But if nothing happens? We can move on in unity and laugh at our naïveté."...
What you are saying is absurd...(1) the fact that there is a breakdown in the unity of belief (religion) is a major reason for the "crazy people" gaining traction...people have itching ears and they want to follow someone who speaks things that resonate with their own far fallen as they my be.
(2) a major reason for "crazy" beliefs is the intentional turning away from the foundational doesn't mean anything, it isn't "the gospel truth". With the rise of liberal theologians, the bible is merely a jumping off point then it's a kind of free for all...the movement even has a name, it's called "seeker friendly"...
ie: now, with freedom from the self imposed constrains of religion, there are a whole bunch of mini power brokers all vying for a piece of the protestant pie. there's a name for that too it's called "chaos of the cults".
love michelle
p.s. in your response via PM you completely missed the thrust of my argument as you seem to have in this thread as well.
dear JD...
You said, "Every other christian would tell you to enjoy hell and say hi to a relative they hate."
you haven't portrayed my thoughts on the matter correctly at all. as a matter of fact, I'm quite sure that every single lady in my prayer group would be offended by your statement as they spend hours and hours praying for absolute strangers, family and friends to come to a place where they can see God's love in sending Jesus. They DON'T miss the point of the gospel.
I can't help but think that the WTBTS vilification of non-JW's has stuck with you. What's that saying?...oh yeah..."the Lord rebuke you!"
love michelle <3
dear JD...
every muslim scholar agrees that the koran denies that Jesus was crucified. Again, the hadiths put the texts into further explanation as to what mohammad said. All of the hadiths agree that someone took Jesus' place on the cross. That is what the surah means when it says Jesus wasn't crucified and the jews boast that they had and the christians are in doubt...the christians believe that it was indeed Jesus. the koran has God deceiving Jesus' followers with someone that just looked like Jesus. (Apparently God facilitated a hasty makeover while the romans were at the door to collect Jesus)
the hadiths are not to be taken as mere speculation on the part of the we might look at some modern biblical interpretation...they are and always have been considered authoritive narration based on the oral teaching etc. of mohammad.
love michelle <3
dear JD...
the koran denies the Fatherhood of God and the Sonship of Jesus. (Therefore the bible accuses the koran) The idea of Jesus Christ, the Messiah, coming to redeem mankind by the shedding of His blood to be a propitiation for sins is foreign to the koranic text. (Therefore denying the entire NT premise of "Christ")
The koran denies that Jesus was crucified...
"That they said (in boast), "We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the messanger of Allah"; but they killed him not, nor crucified him. Only the likeness of that was shown to them. And those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge. But only conjecture to follow, for a surety they killed him not-nay, Allah raised him up unto himself; Allah is exalted in power, wise." Surah 4:157
yes, there are isolated texts in the koran that do seem to agree with the bible but these same texts can also be contradicted by other individual koranic texts as well as when the whole corpus of the koran is considered. That is why many people have found that a study of the koran proves that it isn't in harmony with the bible. If you were to read some of the hadiths they go into the details of how the jewish rabbis rejected mohammad's claim to prophethood and then he turned on the jewish people all together for this slight. The hadiths are very important to the story of the rise of islam. They put the actual sayings of the koran in context. Otherwise there is rambling with no reason. The koran and the hadith are seen as a two edged sword, where the bible alone stands sharper than a two edged sword.
Incidentally, that is WHY the bible alone can condemn the two edged sword of the mormons which is the bible + the book of mormon AND the WTBTS bible + their unique doctrines expoused in the pages of their other books.
love michelle
p.s. still not sure why you defend the koran. Is it simply because you can't see any contradiction to the bible?
dear JD...
you said, "I'm only defending the Quran."
my copy of the koran (10:68-69) directly contradicts the bible and the bible accuses the koran, 1 john 2:22-23.
WHY are you motivated to defend the koran?
love michelle <3
Thanks Angharad!
I sent her an email to "kitzi....." About how to find her posts by clicking on "posted xxx times" is that kitzi address correct?
I just talked to Grace on the phone and she asked me to pass on to you all the reason for her abrupt post. She just isn't able to get on here again after she made her initial post. If there is someone on a PC who can walk her through it step by step, that would be great.(the new format is difficult for her to navigate)
she sends her love to all of you <3 <3