God didn't allow the tsunami "in order to take advantage of it to steal souls for His own company"...anymore than He takes advantage of any death. People die. At any time that they die and in any manner He will redeem the persons soul to Himself.
As an atheist I understand that you don't believe that there is any redeption in a situation like a is an act of nature that had horrible consequences. As a believer in the God of the bible, as someone who believes that God can and did redeem the situation. I'm the one who is finding and pointing out the moral high ground and you're not. You CAN'T find any moral high ground in the situation of a tsunami (as an atheist) because natural occurances don't happen with any thought to morality.
It is only by introducing God and His action of redeeming the bad situation that morality can be discussed. God took the moral high ground, Vivian...and I pointed it out. God dignified their person (whether they were good or bad) in the act of redemption.