If the Lord was physically on earth today, we'd be called to go to Him! (Zechariah 14:17)
And a real preacher would be thinking more economically...he'd want to get as many people there as possible.
louisiana televangelist seeks donations for 54m privet jet.
claims god is behind the idea.
he stated "if the lord jc was physically on earth today, he wouldn't be riding a donkey".
If the Lord was physically on earth today, we'd be called to go to Him! (Zechariah 14:17)
And a real preacher would be thinking more economically...he'd want to get as many people there as possible.
if god’s people can’t see anti-god verses in the bible, how can they be god’s people?.
jehovah is the “god of the gentiles also” and “there is no impartiality with god,” says the bible.
(romans 3:29; deuteronomy 10:17).
dear Diogenesister...
Some life changing events happened between moses taking a midianite wife and the other guy taking a wife. Moses wife recognized the need for circumcision as a special sign of covenant which indicates that she had some desire to please God.
There is no indication in the text that the later midianite wife (or her israelite husband) had any desire to please God. Reading the progression of events suggests the israelite groom was guilty of the very things the gathered elders were lamenting at the moment, ie. being led astray by pagan culture, worshipping idols etc.
The way I see it, Phinehas was praised and rewarded based on his zeal for God, His commands and His righteous honor, not for killing. Likewise, in our justice system people don't praise an executioner for executing, the praise is in the fact justice is served.
if god’s people can’t see anti-god verses in the bible, how can they be god’s people?.
jehovah is the “god of the gentiles also” and “there is no impartiality with god,” says the bible.
(romans 3:29; deuteronomy 10:17).
What do you mean by "anti-God"?
no ego and no agenda--and yet--a thinking-out-loud tour of what the lasting value ofbiblical teaching might mean.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f-wwbgo6a2w.
so, call me...let's get together.
question please for one of jehovah's witnesses i'm doing some prison ministry.
you used to have the make sure of all things hold fast to what is fine book what is the modern equivalent of this book i need a book which lists the bible topics and where to actually find them in the bible can somebody give me a pointer?.
There is a topical study guide (of sorts) in the back of the older black NWT, if that helps.
he was basically a good man, just a believer in the religion.
when we were both elders we were best of friends and then things deteriorated when i was not an elder for a while.
then after becoming an elder again, i slowly drifted away from the religion and he drifted further away from me.
Sorry to hear about your family's loss, min. xo
so, i am having lunch with a group of women with varying backgrounds.
i asked the circle how many believed in the story of adam and eve and the snake.
no one believed it literally.
The covenant at mt. Sinai was a marriage covenant between God and the nation of israel. Israel was unfaithful to God and the requirements of the marriage covenant. Eventually God divorced and cast out the northern kingdom called Ephraim or israel while maintaining the covenant with the southern kingdom judah and benjamin. Jeremiah 3:6-10. God said that He would bring the northern kingdom into union with Himself again though. hosea 2:23; romans 9:25.
According to His law a covenant is legally binding until the death of the testator. God's marriage to the the nation of israel is a legal covenant. In order for Him to remarry a divorcee her husband had to die. Jesus said He came for the lost sheep of the house of israel (not judah and benjamin; they were still in covenant) matthew 15:24. Jesus died for the sins of the adulterous northern kingdom but also to open the way for restoration of the northern kingdom into marital union with God. Ezekiel 37:16-19. Hebrew 9:13-18.
To bring legalities into focus...if Jesus isn't God the Son in flesh, He is breaking the law of God by betrothing a divorcee whose husband is still alive. According to God's law both Jesus and the northern kingdom would be stoned to death for their adulterous relationship.
Jesus did everything by "the book"...Revelation 19:6-9
it struck me that the society has created a culture of lazy jw parenting.. rather than parents being there to guide and direct and help their children through all stages of life, the gb / society has become the "go-too" for everything.. if the child has an issue, there is a wt article for that.. does the child need help with something else?
ah, there is a caleb and sophia cartoon for that.. what about that other topic?
ah, there is a book for that.. so rather than being present parents, the average jw parent simply outsources their parenting to the organization!
I was just wondering about the "familial" dynamics of JW's.
Everyone in the org. is considered a brother or sister yet according to the bible the relational dynamic of brother and sister is based on adoption into God's family "in/through" Jesus.
If the r&f JW isn't in Christ because only the 144 000 are...who adopted them all so that they're now brothers and sisters?
i was wondering what is the most interesting or the strangest fact you've found out since leaving the jws about:.
the bible.
god .
dear Tara N Seals...
The NT teaches that the nations/gentiles are grafted into israel in Jesus. Paul wrote that when we WERE gentiles we were without God and hope in the world. Abraham was not jewish but his belief and the promises made to him are carried forward to gentiles. The term "jew" has kind of lost its original meaning. It is a reference to the tribe of judah. Recall that Jesus came for the sheep of the HOUSE of israel, ALL the tribes...not just the "jews". So, technically the bible was written for israelites (which gentiles BECOME when grafted in) as the new covenant was made with israel and judah (jeremiah 31:31, hebrews 8:8). Nowhere in the bible does it teach that the new covenant is made with "gentiles"...belief in the work of Jesus makes us israelites 🙂
love michelle❤
so i saw vander posted a pic of himself on his bike and recently pm’d with another member who rides (i will let him speak for himself if he wishes) and it seems like a thing for some of us, so... whatcha got?
post a pic of your ride.....
I have a pomchi named after a motorcycle ☺ her name is busa. she received her indian name, little eagle bait, in hay river, nwt.