If you are a white male living in bethel and part of the governing body
you are on top of the pyramid?
every thing and every one trickle down from you
kinda like amway.
You are superior by:
Nationality=American (cuz everyone knows American's are superior lol) Religion=Jehovah?s Witness (only saved)
Position=Elite/Select/Governing Body
Spirituality=Chosen and talked to by god
Power=Millions look up and listen to you
Of course the things you write or order to be written (for the lowly followers) will have (and teach) that air of superiority?because this is how you are brain washed?and consciously or unconsciously you in turn brain wash others
into thinking they also can be superior like yourself. (sound familiar? see "the garden of eden")
Little pyramids are created across the world through Districts and Circuits and Congregations and Families.
A little superiority goes a long way.