Don't get me started or I'll drop my drawers and show you mine!!!
is this a threat or a promise?
just make sure it's squeaky clean
i have noticed that if someone has an opinion that does not go with the flow on this forum they often get insulted and shot down in flames.
i thought this was a discussion forum, but i am sadly dismayed to read so much intolerance of another's opinion.
if you appear to support the jw's in any way, even though people like me may disagree with you, you are entitled to your opinion.
Don't get me started or I'll drop my drawers and show you mine!!!
is this a threat or a promise?
just make sure it's squeaky clean
when i first starting learning the real truth about the wts i could not figure out why.
why did they make rules where some people died and others could makes bribes?
why did rutherford try to become bedfellows with hitler of all people?
i stand by my comment.
however in the case of the men behind the (tower) curtain...just replace "money" with "position"
their "position" in the organization opens a lot of doors to poonani...and the best poonani
but, since their favorite scripture is rev. 14:4 re: 144,000 " These are the ones that did not defile themselves with women in fact, they are virgins" (hey i quoted a scripture! woohoo)
many use that to justify their homosexual exploits (insert Leo K. Greenlees here)
the watchtower uses this scripture about defiling with women as they please. sometimes it's about not joining another church sometimes it's about staying single so you can sell more watchtowers and get more converts.
a pioneer (ministerial servant, elder, co, do, governing body) brother has a better chance with the chicks then a regular publisher.
so i'll change "money" since jws are generally for the most part without it
position --------> power --------> women --------> poonani
when i first starting learning the real truth about the wts i could not figure out why.
why did they make rules where some people died and others could makes bribes?
why did rutherford try to become bedfellows with hitler of all people?
it's really all about the poonani. (or in the old guys from bethel's case...the giggle-stick)
if you can get a lot of money
money leads to power
women want powerful men
powerful men get the best women
and the best sex
let's break it down
money --------> power --------> women --------> poonani
i am from a se asia country.
was not long in the truth.
only 3 years.
hello spiritboi,
welcome to the forum!
You've been possessed Three times in Two weeks? wow
hope you can write a daily or even weekly diary of your experiences.
hey friends, please check out the new video on u-tube and let me know what you think, so we can debate it.
no, it's not mine, i just feel like debating it.
I watched this video several days ago and LOVED it! I thought it was hilarous and informative.
I just re-watched it. It's still GREAT!
and guess what? 3,243 people have watched it too!
I don't know Brenda, so I don't have a biased opinion. Everything was spot on. I LOVED the "sister's" HAIR. and I LOVED the Truth Faery.
I have heard one witness or another say everything that those witnesses in the video said.
Believe it or not, some witnesses have a sense of humor. This video may make some of them laugh AND think.
thumbs up!
i have noticed that if someone has an opinion that does not go with the flow on this forum they often get insulted and shot down in flames.
i thought this was a discussion forum, but i am sadly dismayed to read so much intolerance of another's opinion.
if you appear to support the jw's in any way, even though people like me may disagree with you, you are entitled to your opinion.
Opinions are fun. Opinions are meant to be debated and scrutinized. An opinion is just your own idea or thought. Opinions aren't facts...the mere fact that they are an opinion means they have not been proven or else they'd be a fact not an opinion. lol
Disagreeing with another's opinion is part of human nature and evolution. If we are capable of disproving an opinion we are that much closer to the factual truth. Of course, that's just my opinion.
i have noticed that if someone has an opinion that does not go with the flow on this forum they often get insulted and shot down in flames.
i thought this was a discussion forum, but i am sadly dismayed to read so much intolerance of another's opinion.
if you appear to support the jw's in any way, even though people like me may disagree with you, you are entitled to your opinion.
A good listener tries to understand what the other person is saying. In the end he may disagree sharply, but because he disagrees, he wants to know exactly what it is he is disagreeing with." Kenneth A. WellsWe have no right to express an opinion until we know all of the answers.”Kurt Cobain
Opinions are like assholes, everybody's got one!”
i opened my myspace and received this letter:.
hello sister ,.
hope to find you in good health am a jehovah wittness xxxxxx by name i saw your profile, am single looking for a good jehovahs wittness sister to be my life patiner, am black african if u are in trested please contact me here to see my pictures [email protected], or call me +xxxxxxxx.
i met a brother at an assembly ... although i was like 14 or 15, he asked for my address.
he sent me a LONG letter and a marriage proposal written on those brown watchtower & awake wrappers.
even though i was a "spiritual minded" sister ... THAT made me GAG!
it told me either a: he was so dirt poor he couldn't buy paper or b: he was trying to act "theocratic"
it still gives me the willies!
i opened my myspace and received this letter:.
hello sister ,.
hope to find you in good health am a jehovah wittness xxxxxx by name i saw your profile, am single looking for a good jehovahs wittness sister to be my life patiner, am black african if u are in trested please contact me here to see my pictures [email protected], or call me +xxxxxxxx.
i opened my myspace and received this letter:.
hello sister ,.
hope to find you in good health am a jehovah wittness xxxxxx by name i saw your profile, am single looking for a good jehovahs wittness sister to be my life patiner, am black african if u are in trested please contact me here to see my pictures [email protected], or call me +xxxxxxxx.
He asked me too..... aren't we blessed by Jehover
damn, and i thought i was special LOL