Its amazing in that riot that many historians consider one of this nations first acts of domestic terrorism had white residents commandeer Left over world war one planes from a local airbase and they dropped indendiary bombs on the local residents.
Sofia Lose - one thing that would have also been interesting is to show that from the mid 1800's till the early 1900's there was an enormous number of WHITE Inspired race riots against African Americans. These riots were usually the result of poor whites who felt they were being left behind economically and were jealous or they just ,"felt like lynching a ni**er" not my words that is a quote taken from one of the individuals in a paper from the early twentieth century.
Some were sponsored by local governments and almost all of them resulted in zero or a small handful of arrests of whites. At the same time the blacks who had these things perpetrated against them were thrown in jail merely for fighting back. Somehow this stigma did not stick with these people but the race riots of the 60's stuck with african americans.
1500's - 1860's - Slavery
1860's - 1960's Jim Crow and all the lynching etc... that went along with it
1960 - 1980 was a medley of:
Tuskegee Experiment (Yeah , the government knowingly infected Black people with syphillis just to see how that turned out for them.) Some may like to read up on this but probably not.
Unequal schooling and housing practices.
Assassination by the government of all the black leaders that actually meant something to them.
Unequal pay, the war on drugs, the crushing of black nationalism etc... etc...
It's as if 1965 came around and everyone all of a sudden was on equal footing and black people needed to stop complaining about not being treated equally. Mind you during Jim Crow and into today banks exercised predatory lending targeting certain communities. You take this in not to mention the tidal wave of things that did not even make this list yet people wonder why those blacks aren't doing well and why are they so mad.
of course none of that matters since it happened so so long ago.