Why are people burning their city to the ground in Baltimore? How doe Looting and Mob Violence Help?
by PokerPlayerPhil 184 Replies latest social current
It's hard enough for businesses to enter these areas the Government once had to offer up tax breaks to service them. In Watts, California it took decades for city residents to get a grocery store after the thugs burned their businesses to the ground. You can see the insanity taking place, when you allow Mobs and Fools to burn building down nothing good comes from it. I think it's like a fire that needs to be put out, the hatred and racism is getting worse. The police are on a roll with making bad choices, why did they need to chase that man down and how did he get killed? Killing innocent people and burning your neighborhood business and services down wont make things better, is this a sign were going backwards with Civil Rights? -
The police are on a roll with making bad choices, why did they need to chase that man down and how did he get killed? Killing innocent people and burning your neighborhood business and services down wont make things better, is this a sign were going backwards with Civil Rights?
The trouble is in these situations criminal elements exploit the situation to their own advantage and sometimes "normal" people get caught up in the excitement ,and engage in activities they would not normally be involved in.
Having said that , their is a serious problem with law enforcement in certain U.S.A. states that needs to be addressed .Too many Afro-Americans are either killed or wounded for minor offences in the states .
Wake up America the whole world is watching , something is seriously wrong.
You are supposed be the leader of the free world ,are you not ?
Smiddy the Bloods and Cripps (The two major Black Gangs in the United States) said they were going to send in gang members from various cities to assist the inciters of the riots to attack or even kill police officers. I hate when CNN goes in and interviews men who can't express themselves intelligently giving the people a bad name as a whole. Walking around with signs "F' the Police" CNN made sure you know what that sign said, CNN has some guy walk up and use the F-F-F-F-F_F_FF_ , how do you write what this fool said on National TV? It's a excuse for bad people to steal things that don't belong to them, bullies taking advantage of the only businesses willing to service a area most Big Businesses are afraid to move towards because they fear Mobs will pilfer them! I feel bad we are moving backwards with police and race relations, some reporters love the people going crazy!
smiddy, I agree 100%. In this part of the world, I am very sad to say (as my family is in New England as well as Canada), the USA is seen not as a leader, but a bully. Don't shoot the messenger.
It is sad to travel and see some of these ares in Baltimore or Philadelphia, not to far from Independence hall, Liberty Bell, it looks worse than Europe in 1945. The police behaviour might be the cause of the anger, but the disorder period, the riots are also partly the long-term cause of the police attitude. If you despoiled, burned my city, there would be police, military reaction too. -
i am predicting this thread will go off the rails with lots of hate speech and bigoted thoughts. -
Maybe because the ones doing it aren't from that neighborhood or would rob their own family.
In Ferguson local people identified that the ones destroying were not from Ferguson.
The Police officers whom had direct hand in the young mans arrest should have been taken off duty with full investigation!.
Rioters and Looters should not be tollerated.
The police could have easily rounded up trouble makers.
Very Poor decisions all around from those in power.