let's not forget that super thug Freddie Grey was also able to crush his own larynx while he was handcuffed.
JoinedPosts by paulmolark
Why are people burning their city to the ground in Baltimore? How doe Looting and Mob Violence Help?
by PokerPlayerPhil init's hard enough for businesses to enter these areas the government once had to offer up tax breaks to service them.
in watts, california it took decades for city residents to get a grocery store after the thugs burned their businesses to the ground.
you can see the insanity taking place, when you allow mobs and fools to burn building down nothing good comes from it.
Why are people burning their city to the ground in Baltimore? How doe Looting and Mob Violence Help?
by PokerPlayerPhil init's hard enough for businesses to enter these areas the government once had to offer up tax breaks to service them.
in watts, california it took decades for city residents to get a grocery store after the thugs burned their businesses to the ground.
you can see the insanity taking place, when you allow mobs and fools to burn building down nothing good comes from it.
Morpheus I am not sure if you are aware of the real history of the city of baltimore that you live in a suburb or I am assuming or what that vibe has been like for years. (I have family who live where this is actually happening and I have the unique privilege of living through the newark riots of 1992 so I feel I have a grasp of the vide of oppression although I am far removed from it now).
Baltimore a Union state:
in 1910 adopted a residential segregation ordinance restricting black people to certain blocks in the city. The mayor and I quote stated Baltimore’s mayor proclaimed, “Blacks should be quarantined in isolated slums in order to reduce the incidence of civil disturbance, to prevent the spread of communicable disease into the nearby White neighborhoods, and to protect property values among the White majority.”
So your union state in 1910 prior to the Southern riots was also steeped with racism. Yes racism and inequality was part of the union states as well. In 1917 they formed a committee to encourage whites not to sell to blacks in certain areas.
In 1925, 18 Baltimore neighborhood associations came together to form the “Allied Civic and Protective Association” for the purpose of urging both new and existing property owners to sign restrictive covenants, which committed owners never to sell to an African American.
The FHA enacted measures to prevent blacks from byuying in subdivisions. So they all had to pack into ghettos and sub-standard living because of the segregation of the OFFICIALS OF BALTIMORE. This discrimination continued for decades forcing blacks in BALTIMORE into substandard housing / education systems etc...
Dare I say that an individual living in Newark slums or New York slums has more of a right to comment ACCURATELY on what the vibe is of Baltimore than someone who lives in a suburb or a section that will not see or truly be elected by the violence where it is taking place? I would think they would.
Why are people burning their city to the ground in Baltimore? How doe Looting and Mob Violence Help?
by PokerPlayerPhil init's hard enough for businesses to enter these areas the government once had to offer up tax breaks to service them.
in watts, california it took decades for city residents to get a grocery store after the thugs burned their businesses to the ground.
you can see the insanity taking place, when you allow mobs and fools to burn building down nothing good comes from it.
"One way around double jeopardy is going after them in federal court for civil rights violation."
Honestly I doubt that it will really matter much what takes place in this case, guilty or not guilty. The only thing that will happen is that racial tension in this country will get worse. Just look at CNN or Fox news covering the story of the fact that the cops are being charged. Its not the articles to be afraid of but the comments. You can not go more than 3 comments without some form of racial sparring. The prosecutor being called a useless bitch or pandering to blacks or just being called a bitch with an axe to grind. Their comments... not mine. People show their true colors during anonymous discussions like that.
Why are people burning their city to the ground in Baltimore? How doe Looting and Mob Violence Help?
by PokerPlayerPhil init's hard enough for businesses to enter these areas the government once had to offer up tax breaks to service them.
in watts, california it took decades for city residents to get a grocery store after the thugs burned their businesses to the ground.
you can see the insanity taking place, when you allow mobs and fools to burn building down nothing good comes from it.
Its amazing in that riot that many historians consider one of this nations first acts of domestic terrorism had white residents commandeer Left over world war one planes from a local airbase and they dropped indendiary bombs on the local residents.
Sofia Lose - one thing that would have also been interesting is to show that from the mid 1800's till the early 1900's there was an enormous number of WHITE Inspired race riots against African Americans. These riots were usually the result of poor whites who felt they were being left behind economically and were jealous or they just ,"felt like lynching a ni**er" not my words that is a quote taken from one of the individuals in a paper from the early twentieth century.
Some were sponsored by local governments and almost all of them resulted in zero or a small handful of arrests of whites. At the same time the blacks who had these things perpetrated against them were thrown in jail merely for fighting back. Somehow this stigma did not stick with these people but the race riots of the 60's stuck with african americans.
1500's - 1860's - Slavery
1860's - 1960's Jim Crow and all the lynching etc... that went along with it
1960 - 1980 was a medley of:
Tuskegee Experiment (Yeah , the government knowingly infected Black people with syphillis just to see how that turned out for them.) Some may like to read up on this but probably not.
Unequal schooling and housing practices.
Assassination by the government of all the black leaders that actually meant something to them.
Unequal pay, the war on drugs, the crushing of black nationalism etc... etc...
It's as if 1965 came around and everyone all of a sudden was on equal footing and black people needed to stop complaining about not being treated equally. Mind you during Jim Crow and into today banks exercised predatory lending targeting certain communities. You take this in not to mention the tidal wave of things that did not even make this list yet people wonder why those blacks aren't doing well and why are they so mad.
of course none of that matters since it happened so so long ago.
Why are people burning their city to the ground in Baltimore? How doe Looting and Mob Violence Help?
by PokerPlayerPhil init's hard enough for businesses to enter these areas the government once had to offer up tax breaks to service them.
in watts, california it took decades for city residents to get a grocery store after the thugs burned their businesses to the ground.
you can see the insanity taking place, when you allow mobs and fools to burn building down nothing good comes from it.
That happened more than 10 years ago so it doesn't really matter much unfortunately -
Why are people burning their city to the ground in Baltimore? How doe Looting and Mob Violence Help?
by PokerPlayerPhil init's hard enough for businesses to enter these areas the government once had to offer up tax breaks to service them.
in watts, california it took decades for city residents to get a grocery store after the thugs burned their businesses to the ground.
you can see the insanity taking place, when you allow mobs and fools to burn building down nothing good comes from it.
Now the other criminal tells his story. Then again he doesn't appear to be very well educated so he is probably lying now.
Why are people burning their city to the ground in Baltimore? How doe Looting and Mob Violence Help?
by PokerPlayerPhil init's hard enough for businesses to enter these areas the government once had to offer up tax breaks to service them.
in watts, california it took decades for city residents to get a grocery store after the thugs burned their businesses to the ground.
you can see the insanity taking place, when you allow mobs and fools to burn building down nothing good comes from it.
"You seriously think that is comparable to "Go die in a fire"?If so, you are not a fool, you're an idiot."
Only a complete idiot would think when someone uses the rather common internet lingo of "go die in a fire" they actually mean that literally.
Why are people burning their city to the ground in Baltimore? How doe Looting and Mob Violence Help?
by PokerPlayerPhil init's hard enough for businesses to enter these areas the government once had to offer up tax breaks to service them.
in watts, california it took decades for city residents to get a grocery store after the thugs burned their businesses to the ground.
you can see the insanity taking place, when you allow mobs and fools to burn building down nothing good comes from it.
Well it is quite possible that the people in oppressed communities constantly see police officers shoot people, beat people etc... etc... which is the reason why they are protesting and rioting. It is possible that they have seen the corruption of the Baltimore police in framing young men and women in their community for years.
It is not only possible but factual that in the last 4 years the Baltimore police department has lost over 100 cases or judgements in regards to police brutality and paid out over 5.8 million dollars.
So when you have people who live in these communities who constantly experience these things at the hands of the police, what reason do they have to think that this one particular case everything was on the up and up. Why would it matter if it was to most of them because in another day or two they will witness the same thing happen to them.
These same activities take place in every major city and the residents are upset and so the respond. When you have never had the experience of walking home with your father from field service and watching a police car jam on the breaks, officers jump out slam him on the ground go through his pockets find nothing but cuff him anyway and then put him in the back of a car for 20 minutes while you and your siblings and then have him released with a smile and a chuckle its hard to fathom how degrading this is. Then imagine that happening in front of you to your friends on a fairly regular basis. Maybe you can understand the anger then
Of course as a young man I lived in communities where I saw these things happen and on a much larger scale because there was no recording device to capture it. I was able to do well for myself and them move to what some may consider upscale communities in an attempt to escape. Instead I was pulled over quite often and harassed. I made complaints and nothing happened twice.
So yes I have an interesting perspective, but there are also facts to backup what I am stating. Yes, I am angry because I have a son who I have to let know that it is not enough to not be involved in crime he has to be EXTRA careful and even then it still might not matter.
When someone says they do not take insults personally, and talk about people being internet commandos yet you were the person to insult someone else first by calling them a fool which you know very well as stated you would not say to the face of someone standing in front of you. That is the textbook definition of an internet commando. Of course, you have your board mates who will jump to your side but lets be serious Go die in a fire is just a funny piece of internet humor that has been around for ions and I doubt anyone would take that seriously accept the two people who did.
Why are people burning their city to the ground in Baltimore? How doe Looting and Mob Violence Help?
by PokerPlayerPhil init's hard enough for businesses to enter these areas the government once had to offer up tax breaks to service them.
in watts, california it took decades for city residents to get a grocery store after the thugs burned their businesses to the ground.
you can see the insanity taking place, when you allow mobs and fools to burn building down nothing good comes from it.
Does the site support insulting people like calling them fools?
other people referring to protesters as welfare recipients etc when the large majority of those protesting have been peaceful. Seems biased but whatever I guess it's just par for the course
It's fine I'm done here
Why are people burning their city to the ground in Baltimore? How doe Looting and Mob Violence Help?
by PokerPlayerPhil init's hard enough for businesses to enter these areas the government once had to offer up tax breaks to service them.
in watts, california it took decades for city residents to get a grocery store after the thugs burned their businesses to the ground.
you can see the insanity taking place, when you allow mobs and fools to burn building down nothing good comes from it.
Morpheus you have no idea. You do not even live in Baltimore. You said you visit from time to time for a meal. I have lived in cities like New York and Newark and was looking out for my life during the Newark riots of 1992.
You may not want to accept those Facts about Baltimore that were stated but hey are true so yes ignore the fact that I won't agree with you and jump on your bandwagon.
Lastly continue to be an internet thug and call me a fool over the Internet but we both now you have neither the heart of the testicular fortitude to do so to my face. A grown man parading around with a matrix avatar as if you are somehow cool. Go die in a fire