after hospitalizing me and needing the police, the only reason i lived if you call it that.
i needed to make a claim for injuries on our state system. that was due to their attack. one elder after 3 yrs hassle to get his tax money back because he didnt want to pay any, decided to personally attack me for the taxes he had to pay for my injuries due to their involvement.
well as far as i know thats a 6 months prison sentence when you dont know and an unlimited fine, and a seven year prison sentence when you do know and an unlimited fine. as far as i know illegal behaviour to avoid paying tax, erm isnt that tax evasion.. including a visit with the co to lace his pockets basically, lets face it thats using his position to get money otherwise he wouldnt be able to do it.
so isnt that the rich man class, alive and kicking as i see it. isnt that a bit of strange counsel ?