My nephew a JW who is white is dating another JW who is black with the intent to announce their engagement soon.
I had been reading about the past history of the JW's opinion of the black race. Old writings that said they were Gods people too, but not intelligent as white etc and not qualified intellectually to go door to door to teach etc.That all people would be white in the new system.
I had read of a rope being run down the pews of the fellowship halls to separate the races during services during the 50's early 60's at the halls that did allow intergrated services..
This was supposed to have taken place even up to a few years after de-segregation in the schools and other public places took effect.
That in some areas they had their own hall to meet at and the whites had theirs. At one point the members of the black hall had asked to meet at the white hall as their building was being repaired or soemthing and they were told no, that some of the members of the white hall wouldn't understand or approve.
And I read that even up into the late 90's, many black members still weren't being given postions or responsibilities that whites had held since the beginning of the JW's.
I was just wondering how far they've come along to improve this image and if anyone knows thier opinion of interracial marriages.
Anyone have personal experiences on it?
Thanks. C.dawn