Hello Everyone!
Well i guess the plot thickens, yesterday i tried to have a talk with her. I thought maybe we could compromise our differences and maybe come up with some kind of solution for the both of us.
Well folks lets just say she wasnt even going to try. Apparently she had a discussion with her parents and well to make a long story short. They told her i was to aggresive for her in our relationship. I will not change and even if i choose to convert they still wouldnt accept me. I told her i was not going to convert into something i didnt believe in. I told her that i loved her, and that i was trying to understand all the concepts of our issues. I told her about this discusion board and how i asked my question? She said you all were apostates or something to that matter and she would not even listen or care.
So i asked were do we go from here, Im at a lost for words. She told me she needed time, and that right now she doesnt want us to be together. i told her i loved her and respected her request. She said she was sorry, grabbed some of her things that she left at my apartment and left without even saying goodbye!
All who has responded and commented on my post. I thank you for you words, concerns, views and comments. This is not an easy time for me. However all i can do now, is wait it out.
thank you