I'm never good for advice but you can count on my thoughts on you and your daughters.
Aren't the people on this board great?!!
i was served a restraining order by the local sheriff from my jw x -wife.
i know without a doubt this is a small maneuver to block me from picketing at the kingdom hall and exposing her lies and bullcrap.
while nancy is in the hospital recovering, the other two girls are now completely indignant and ready to help take this thing head on.
I'm never good for advice but you can count on my thoughts on you and your daughters.
Aren't the people on this board great?!!
i ask this question because i'm starting to have the scarey feeling that i was born "faithless".
other than feeling that babies and flowers are beautiful and miraculous, i have been having the darndest time feeling 100% sure that god exists and cares.
things that religious folks say are "blessings" i just see as the product of human effort and choice, or as stuff that probably would have happened anyway.
I've always felt very much like you littletoe. That's why it was so easy for me to see through the WT bunk and lies. I've been in the WT Org all this time only because of my family. There have always been people like us, there were Greek and Roman writers that doubted the existence of the gods.
Some interesting research has been done on areas of the temporal lobes and religious experiences/the propensity to believe in the supernatural. Its been dubbed by some researchers as the God Spot.
Maybe ours are atrophied?
from time to time we like to share some good reads with each other on jwd, and now might be a good time to share with you what i'm reading this week.
it's "the gate" by francois bizot which tells of his experiences as the only western prisoner to survive the khmer rouge in cambodia.
in 1971, on a routine outing through the cambodian countryside, the young french ethnologist francois bizot is captured by the khmer rouge.
I'm on the fifth volume of the House of Niccolo series by Dorothy Dunnett.
Interesting mix of historical figures,medieval times and events with appealing characters and long developing plots. I thought it started off rather dry but once the slow start is over its an appealing progression.
to all christians, or others, is there any proof of the promised messiah being jesus of nazareth and if so, how can you be sure if he existed?
I don' t think there is any definite evidence that the Jesus of the Gospels (Bible and others) existed.
The Christ figure (of Catholicism or Gnosticism) is definitely heavily based on previous pagan myths. Just look up the myth of Horus as one example.
But its more likely that in first century palestine there WAS a man Jesus (that had admirable principles, views and manner of dealings and he inspired the following that was later morphed by Paul and others) than there WASN'T. New cults are usually started off around some real key figure although there are always exceptions. I've only come up with likelihoods.
Two great books were mentioned in one the posts here one was The Jesus Legend... ...there's a new one out as well called the Pagan Christ.
hi there - i'm sorry if this is off topic slightly, but i need information.. i am not learned in this area of science and wondered if it is true that there is a fault within human dna that science assumes is the reason we break down and die and are unable to explain.. forgive my ignorance here.
this question spins off from a conversation i had this afternoon with an ex-jw who wishes to get back to the kingdom hall and was using this argument to present his ideas to me.
i told him that i was not aware of this particular area of study but would look into it for him.. i am assuming that he read this in an awake article maybe?.
Leolai's description of telomeres and their functions is concise and accurate. She explained it much better than I ever could and I was a bio major
Yep aging is due to cell divisions and oxidizing by-products from our metabolism which ultimately bring on mutations and damage to cellular DNA ... stuff we can't escape but as Undaunted Danny nicely put it --- slow these process down ---- then you'll have an extended span.
You're all bringing me back out from the comatose state I've been stuck in with the Jdubs for nearly 3 decades now!!! Thank You all and the ones who made this board possible.
ok gang,.
i will try this one last time.
if you see the pictures then i did it right thanks to lady lee and the faq section.
Thats it yes...I've been to the Falls more times than I can remember but up that tower only once.
ok gang,.
i will try this one last time.
if you see the pictures then i did it right thanks to lady lee and the faq section.
If you're talking about the tower on the Canadian side that sorta resembles the CN Tower in Toronto its called the Skylon Tower. It was nice, been up to the platform level but didn't eat in its revolving (purpoptedly) restaurant.
as you know, i?ve had a bit of a day.
((((((you guys)))))).
i am stunned and numb right now, and for some reason, i do not feel as tired as probably should.
My heart goes out to you and your child.
I don't know what else to say except that if there is a loving God that can help somehow, I'm hoping your case is first in line...
to get a break from my jw parents when i was 17 (i'm 25 now) i took an apartment of my own.
i was working full time and going to school.
a busy schedule that allowed me to miss meetings without them constantly hounding me.
I haven't laughed in a while so that bit from "The Lost Gospel" was real booster.
My Dad was involved in a botched stakeout. He was a MS at the time and was out with an elder. They were both spying out the home of a close family acquaintance hoping to catch her with a male visitor staying overnight...She left her Dub husband (who my Dad's friend) and he couldn't remarry until he had proof of her adultery...
Anyway my Dad and this elder were so obvious and even went through the trash to find something!!!She called my mom to tell her about it and said she didn't call the police only because she valued my Mom as a friend and good person. My sib and I would rib my Dad about his lousy stint as WT KGB agent for days afterward. My Dad was good natured about it...A rare thing...ahhh such memories
the set up
it was getting close to noon and elese decided to give her mother a call to let her know she was ready to be picked up.
sara said she had to stop by the kingdom hall to drop off some ice for the brothers doing the remodeling.
Way to go Corvin!!!
I wish I were just as gutsy and just as strong enough to speak up when others are being hypocrites, or lying etc.
Your children are in great hands...and while I'm no Yoda...I think they'll turn out to be people that others will respect and look to with admiration (Since they can come through all the horrid mess you've mentioned, and still have keen insight to see things for what they are) .