Just because Jesus was saying how his apostles would be able to know the end was soon (just like figs would be coming soon), doesn't mean that he was talking about them when he said "this generation" will not pass. Even in this very WT article, they have to admit that in all other instances where this "generation" is spoken of, its usually in negative terms, and always about unbelievers. So what in this verse or passage requires us to look for any other group to be referenced? Carefully consider the context they say?
Well according to the supposed connection they were trying to emphasize in the illustration of the figs: They (i.e the apostles and so the Anointed) would see all these things. And so whats the point of the statement "This generation will not pass until all these things occur." Well duhhh...if they'll be seeing all these things go down they've got to be around!
But if one reads a few verses earlier still where Jesus is talking about the sun and the moon and then the sign of the Son of Man, its quite explicit that Jesus was talking about how everyone will be seeing these things. It'll be sad times for the unbelievers. They didn't see it coming till it was upon them basically. Then Jesus makes the contrast with his believers who'll be able to discern things as they're developing. A little later on he also talks about Noah and how everyone else except the eight didn't really catch on till it was too late. To me it seems, each and every time there's a contrast of believer and unbeliever and the unbelievers will eventually see how the believers were right. So having "this generation" of Matthew 24:34 be the wicked generation makes more sense since its making a point. You have that completion of the unbelievers getting whats coming to them. Having that verse be more like "don't worry faithful followers, you will not disappear until all these things happen" loses the contrast, as I see it and once again makes a sort of dumb repeated statement. Then again, this may be a weak counter-argument. But simply, allowing the text to speak for itself, I don't see why the gerenation in this verse should be a different group than the one referenced all the other times.