Who Runs Evolution?

by Satanus 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Satanus

    Answer: females do ;) Heheh.


  • worldtraveller

    I was going to suggest-solar energy. But.....sounds good to me.

  • Satanus

    Gee, a comment! Thanks, worldtraveller. Yah ok, the sun could be the third cord of evolution. This was sort of a retort at the people who wanna mix the bible god into evolution. Who does it better (choosing who a female will do it with), god, or the female?


  • Dansk

    Hey Satanus,

    Well, if YHWH DID create everything he did it with a wife - Ashtoreh!


  • Midget-Sasquatch

    Sexual selection is definitely huge. Females need to be choosy since they're devoting alot of their resources to the offspring they'll bear. Although sometimes the traits they prefer aren't always immediately evident as the best for survival. Like frogs with the deepest croaking sound, but that can be a very good indicator of size, so the bigger the better I suppose, like choosing the bird of paradise with the longest tail feathers..or...oh oh.

    Modern human females are more sophisticated than that though I hope.

    Who am I kidding? I'm screwed! Or more accurately, I won't be.

    I'd like to suggest another driver of evolution. Viruses may affect more than just survival vs death, and bottlenecking the gene pool. Think of what sort of horizontal gene exchange could likely occur with viruses as the vectors. I know alot of this can sound outlandishly sci-fi but what if the mammalian placenta had some of its development as a result of viruses? That would be a fairly large evolutionary development. Not saying its a fact. You all can check up on the material and see whats probable or not. Just tossing out other possible candidates after that of females.

  • stillajwexelder

    The female of the species is more deadly than the male

  • avishai
    Well, if YHWH DID create everything he did it with a wife - Ashtoreh!

    Which is why I named my daughter Asherah (variant of Ashtoreth)

  • Satanus


    Are you admitting that you really are a midget? Guess you gotta really know HOW to use it then, eh?

    'Viruses may affect more than just survival vs death, and bottlenecking the gene pool. Think of what sort of horizontal gene exchange could likely occur with viruses as the vectors. I know alot of this can sound outlandishly sci-fi but what if the mammalian placenta had some of its development as a result of viruses? That would be a fairly large evolutionary development.'

    I like the virus infection theory. Think about it, you get a whole crop of similarly mutated offspring that might be able to mate w each other. A new species within one generation. It would explain the 'fits and starts' of evolution.


    If his wife got involved, that would explain a lot ;)


    It's kind of a nice name. Your daughter, a future goddess.


  • Dansk

    If his wife got involved, that would explain a lot ;)



  • Satanus


    Yah, i know. They like to get behind and, occasionally nudge the big guy w the club ;)


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