Their positions throughout time just shows how poorly they grasped simple biology and development. To go with the premise that they need to draw in "the breath of life" to be considered alive and how that was understood by dubs in the past is just stupid. Its alive and a life capable of developing into an individual whether its a fetus or an embryo or a zygote. So the parameter they're trying to pass off to make distinctions doesn't make sense. And they realize the inconsistency now but are too full of themselves to admit they were/are plain ignorant in this matter. If abortion is wrong regardless of the point along which the life-form is in its development, then stillborns should be equally valued. So if God doesn't value those stillbirths enough to warrant bringing them back, then how much value could he assign to the early embryonic stage with an even lower degree of consciousness or the zygote with no consciousness at all?
JoinedPosts by Midget-Sasquatch
If stillbirths aren't resurrected, why is abortion banned?
by rebel8 in
in that thread, it was mentioned that miscarried babies don't have the hope of being resurrected.
is this true?.
LATEST BIG RUMOR: WTS calls a moratorium on ALL KH construction in US & Canada
by sir82 inbased on an informal conversation this past weekend.... an elder with "connections" to the local rbc stated that he heard that the society was instituting a moratorium on all kingdom hall construction in the us and canada.
any projects for which funding has already been arranged will continue, but as of now, no new kh construction loans are being approved by the society.. there are enough projects in the pipeline that rbcs will still be busy for the next year or 2, but after that....who knows?.
my thoughts:.
I'll vouch for the poster who said the RBC controls all spending and only wishes to deal with one elder.
When the KH I once attended underwent reno, a separate bank account for the reno was setup and there were only 3 official signers for the cheques. Every cheque had to have the signature of the rep from the RBC to be processed byt the bank. Then either elder could sign. The RBC wanted to avoid the inconvenience or delay of getting to only one elder. But He mostly did everything through the PO. Even the accounts servant, didn't get to make out the cheques etc. The servant only did the collecting, made the deposits and had of course to make out the income tax receipts when the time came. Here in Canada as well, when it comes time to fill out the Charity information return for the year, they now have sheets they fill out and send to the Branch (which fills out the official government forms for the congregation and gives back to them to mail off to the government).
LATEST BIG RUMOR: WTS calls a moratorium on ALL KH construction in US & Canada
by sir82 inbased on an informal conversation this past weekend.... an elder with "connections" to the local rbc stated that he heard that the society was instituting a moratorium on all kingdom hall construction in the us and canada.
any projects for which funding has already been arranged will continue, but as of now, no new kh construction loans are being approved by the society.. there are enough projects in the pipeline that rbcs will still be busy for the next year or 2, but after that....who knows?.
my thoughts:.
Make what you want of this info too. Where I live there used to be up to 6 english speaking congregations (and the usual foreign language ones like Italian, French and Spanish). There were 3 Kingdom Halls in one city. One pathetically small, one that was huge and that location was sweet but the building itself showing its age, and finally another one that was okay and had alot of land (rather cruddy location though). The congregation that attended the run down hall has the more afluent members of all dubs in the city. But the RBC pretty much convinced them not to renovate/fix their old building but to sell it off and move into the one where I'm still officially a member. That KH has alot of land and it was originally designed such that a second hall could be easily added on to it. But the RBC even nixed that idea of the addition. They would not let ANY new building go forward. Even renovations wouldn't have they're OK until they were sure that the necessary funds were raised by the congregations. That wasn't a problem since the one congregation could easily put in a quarter of what they made selling off the other property. The remainder is given to the WTBTS on a interest free loan basis to which they could always ask the money back. Fat chance of that happening though if no new building is permitted.
Warning to laptop users
by Leolaia inlast week i got an unsightly first-degree burn on my right arm.
when i first noticed it, i had no idea where it came from.
it first looked like a big red welt on my arm, swollen and red, but with unusually sharp edges -- i didn't even realize that it was actually a burn although a few days later it started to look more like one.
Aloe is a very good suggestion and if it still smarts you may consider Polysporin (the formulation for burns).
Yepp, while in orientation, the trainer could not stress enough to us that we should never call the portables "laptops". And to always recommend using them on a hard level surface. I've gotten quite a few calls actually about a certain model. The entire case practically acts like a heat sink.
I wouldn't be too worried about long term scarring there Leolaia. You'll probably see it slowly going away. Take care.
What celebrity most closely resembles you?
by John Doe infor myself, i'd have to say hugh jackman, although, i'm better looking.
I'd say the closest match is a cross between Toby Mcquire and Rick Moranis...then lopping off about 6" of height.
When I was school age, another student said I reminded them of one of the vampires from "The Lost Boys". Never figured out which actor they were thinking of.
Question for Christians or other religious people who believe in evolution
by Amha·aret inbefore i begin, i want to say that i really don't want to start yet another creation vs evolution debate so please don't go down that road with this thread.
that debate has been done many times aleady!.
i know there are many christians and other religious people on here who believe in god or gods and yet do accept evolution as the way we all came about.
What if the soul is more analogous, in its formation, to physical organisms than we might think? A merging of the human and divine elements at its conception, followed by steady development over time? Those who follow a path of spiritual awareness nurture that new entity in the womb of their minds and motivations. Then the death of the human body would be the birthing of the soul. Those who revel in more hedonistic lives wouldn't be pneumatics but purely hylic, and stillborn in that respect.
by yesidid inapparently a whole congregation in italy left the wbts.. but i don't know for sure as i don't understand italian.. could somebody please translate this youtube film.. you will put me out of my misery and inform the whole board. .
thank you in advance.
That translation quoted above was fairly good. Little really to add, except that the intro had a nice sort of explanation to non dibs about how controlling the JW Org is and what happens to those who criticize it.
I particularly found the ex-elder at the end fairly persuasive and honest about the mindset of alot of jws. Some do wonder about doctrinal points but when they're hit by the fear that they're broaching apostasy they put an end to that thinking with a dismissive phrase or thought.
I was "encouraged" by the clip where the mother was saying how the elders from her son's judicial committee were telling her that her son was a man-slayer because he was apostate. And how they demanded her to accept it and hear her say he was such. I admire that she stuck up for her son and while his crying over that didn't cause any tear to well up in my eyes (I'm a pretty cold bastard) I wanted to hug that old lady and say you did good. Means not all families can be broken by that blasted cult.
Have you ever personally known anyone who DA him/herself?
by lavendar inwondering something else:.
while a jw, did you ever know anyone who disassociated?
and if so, did you ever talk to that person afterwards to find out why they disassociated?.
This guy (maybe 8 years my younger) was a recent convert but still rather rough and liked his beer. A friend of his did alot of researching on the internet and started feeding him all the info about contradictions, failed predictions etc. and he started opening up to me and asking me stuff to gage who to believe. Naturally I loved to show him that most of his "apostate" info was correct but I had to pretend and play up part that I was suffering cognitive dissonance.
He shortly DA'ed himself and actually called me and wanted to talk to me the night he was going to meet w the elders. After he DA'ed we still met up about 2 more times and he was trying to help "free" me. Gotta love the guy but I've still got to keep appearances of being "in the fold".
How ANTI-CREATIONISTS MISREPRESENT the Argument from Complex Design
by hooberus informally and explicitly stated the argument from design is written such as:.
) complexity defined specifically and 2.
) complexity defined specifically and 2.
I'm sorta hurt you find aliens as our possible creators a strange idea.
Not really ...but honestly you have as much evidence for us being made by the OT God, as us being test-tube babies of ET mad scientists.
Sure I accept the fact that my computer needed intelligent design from design to manufacturing. Computers can't replicate on their own nor do their invidual parts have the needed information to bring about copies of themselves.
But life is different though and you know that the computer is not a fully comparable analog. Living organisms replicate, and have the genetic material and machinery for that purpose. From all the sequencing data collected on numerous species, one can also reasonably infer that the code can change and become more complex over time by chance processes.
Back to the point you want to make about having a designer that is not so complex (so it doesn't needs its own designer). I can also accept a variant of that: its called evolution by natural selection. A non complex process that by its selectiveness mimics intelligence.
How ANTI-CREATIONISTS MISREPRESENT the Argument from Complex Design
by hooberus informally and explicitly stated the argument from design is written such as:.
) complexity defined specifically and 2.
) complexity defined specifically and 2.
The definition games that IDers play are occasionally, mildly amusing. Unfortunately like drwtsn32 already wrote, there's no way to verify or falsify your idea.
By your reasoning, could you deny this scenario: We were created by an intelligent race of aliens who pop in and out of new universes across the multiverse, so they aren't tied to starting points in time like the Big Bang. As far as they tell us, they have always been like the quantum foam. They are the Greys. Stay Awake.
There's no point in contriving all these kinds of scenarios. Valid induction still needs to be based on fact.