Disagree and agree with your assessment.
1) The name catholic does not mean much other than to identify about a billion people worldwide as being part of a religion established by Jesus. 2) Jesus was a jew. Jews do not now, or ever have, believed in the Trinity.We need to keep the nature and the person of God, and the trinity association separate however. During Jesus ministry he was the person/human of Jesus, son of Joseph and Mary, and as such not part of the Trinity. In his divine nature he is though. The Trininty, although not mentioned by name in the bible, is alluded to several times in both the old and new testaments, starting with the book of Genisis. 3) The inquisitions were bad and will certainly not try to defend the Catholic Church for their actions during these horrible times. Recent historical and archialogical discoveries have found that the church involvement in the inquisition is much, much less than origianally thought. This does not make it right, but the churches involvement is now apparently more historically correct. Keep in mind that the JW's have essentially let people die needlessly since the early part of the 20th century because of their bizzare past beliefs on vaccinations and organ transplants, and now with their contemporarily beliefs on blood transfusions. How many thousands have died in the name of the Watchtower Society. 4) Agree that their is a lot of ritual and "extra stuff" in the Catholic Faith. They could probably knock the hour and a half mass down to 45 mins by simply doing away with needless bells and whistles. The essential and heart of the religion, the Eucharist, is essentially the same, and spoken the same, as it was during the last supper, and is continued to be done in memory of... 5) Agree that there have been many changes in practices, not necessarily doctrine, over past 1500, 1600 years. Again the Eucharist portion of the Catholic celebration is still in tact.
1) Mary is not worshipped, she is honored, at least in the Catholic Church I go to. 2) Statues/Idols are not worshipped. They are simply reminders, as in the case of the crucifix. It is a visual depiction of what Jesus did for us. 3) the Catholic Church is the original. If you get a chance, take a look at some the of Patristic writings by the early founding fathers of the church. Writings of Clements, Ignatious, and others, clearly point to the Catholic church as being the starting point of christianity today. I have only read a very small portion of them, and unless I'm mistaken, or have read them wrong, the Catholic was the beginning and is still going strong now. I even think the JW's can trace their roots back to the first centuries after the death of Christ, and if they did, I'm sure they will say that everyone back then was a JW back then.