What does it take to be a real Christian then. Do you need to conquer nations in the name of Christ, do you need to ignore the violence of the Nazi party, do you need to kill in the name of Christ? Apparently that is okay, as with Catholics, but get a bunch of former Witnesses together and you can not swallow calling the Witnesses Christians, when they are?
In this modern day and age of those determined to conquer/control, apparently it is ok for the JW's to murder/kill tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands, of people (a good majority of these being children), because of their rediculous past policies regarding organ transplants and immunizations, and present policy restricting blood transfusions; all in the name of who...Christ?? The WT organization? What is the difference between what the Christian Conquerors did in the past, and what the JW's are doing contemporarily. Same result...people die because of stupid direction/rediculous policies/hap-hazzard bible interpretations.