The more sites the merrier!
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yeah, i bet the "watchtower" name is gonna really piss off a few people.
this site has much of the same content as my site that was shut down, only it has even more great content!
The more sites the merrier!
i've been asked to speak at what i believe is the first walk in canada to stop the silence and stop sexual abuse in toronto at nathan phillips square on may 21. info below and attached.
please pass on to those you think would be interested in the walk!.
i told her it's about time we surivors/friends and family of show our strenght, our numbers and that we're not going to be silenced anymore!!!.
If I can be there, I will. I'm only 1 1/2 hours from Toronto.
the onion .
search news archives .
i say, let the good lord do the suffering for you," she said.
I wonder who had the idea of rasing money for a famine-stricken land by haveing a pie-eating contest.
in 98 a group called the new radicals put out an apply named album "maybe you've been brainwashed too" one of the tracts was called "jehovah made this whole joint for you".
anyone know anything about this group, it sounds like there might be a dub connection.. or i could be talking outta my butt.
Yes. I remember hearing a feature on them on the radio years ago about the singer and he definately was a JW.
Their best song was, "You get what you give."
topic: is it ok to be gay does god approve of this.. i have a brother which i love and he recently came out of the closet, realy i'm not a baptized jw nor publisher but i do go to some of their talks with my mom and father.
i feel sorry for my brother because my parents oppuse it really bad... what do i do???
support him, in a way i think actualy know its wrong you choose your sexuality and he use to date alot of girls.
Also, at one time getting vaccinations was just as bad as worshipping Satan. That also came from the Governing Body who says homosexuality is controllable.
haha And don't forget they had the cure for skin cancer, but you could only get it by mailing a request for it to them, and then you couldn't share it with anyone else. haha
topic: is it ok to be gay does god approve of this.. i have a brother which i love and he recently came out of the closet, realy i'm not a baptized jw nor publisher but i do go to some of their talks with my mom and father.
i feel sorry for my brother because my parents oppuse it really bad... what do i do???
support him, in a way i think actualy know its wrong you choose your sexuality and he use to date alot of girls.
why did you leave the JW?
I left because I came to realize that a lot of what the JW's taught was false. I came to this understanding by studying non-JW information. Also because I knew that if I didn't leave, my kids would be stuck living the same lie I was living 20 years down the road.
topic: is it ok to be gay does god approve of this.. i have a brother which i love and he recently came out of the closet, realy i'm not a baptized jw nor publisher but i do go to some of their talks with my mom and father.
i feel sorry for my brother because my parents oppuse it really bad... what do i do???
support him, in a way i think actualy know its wrong you choose your sexuality and he use to date alot of girls.
Why did god distroy sodom and gomora?
Because his horse needed a salt-lick.
topic: is it ok to be gay does god approve of this.. i have a brother which i love and he recently came out of the closet, realy i'm not a baptized jw nor publisher but i do go to some of their talks with my mom and father.
i feel sorry for my brother because my parents oppuse it really bad... what do i do???
support him, in a way i think actualy know its wrong you choose your sexuality and he use to date alot of girls.
I dont know he is my brother but the way I think some time that if god would of thought homosexuality was ok he would of created ADAM and ADAM
Well, using that logic, then you can safely argue that God thinks well and approves of incest as he only created one human couple to start off with so obviously their kids had to have sex with each other.
topic: is it ok to be gay does god approve of this.. i have a brother which i love and he recently came out of the closet, realy i'm not a baptized jw nor publisher but i do go to some of their talks with my mom and father.
i feel sorry for my brother because my parents oppuse it really bad... what do i do???
support him, in a way i think actualy know its wrong you choose your sexuality and he use to date alot of girls.
I know it's his choice, but my question is.. is it ok with god???
Why would god make Gay people if it wasn't OK with him?
i saw venus and serena on oprah the other day talking to teens and promoting their book, "serving from the hip: 10 rules for living, loving and winning.
" so when i got in to work today at the bookstore, i decided to have a look.
it's a great book for teens.
Leave them alone! They need to count their hours somehow! So they make a couple extra bucks on the side ... it'll cover the coffee-break.