Yeah, that's a good one.
JoinedPosts by kwintestal
Telemarketer Prank Call!!!!!
i can't stop laughing..... swalker.
How Much $$$ Did You Contribute To The Organization?
by minimus ini know of some elders that regularly gave about $500 per month towards the kingdom hall and other watchtower society interests....and you???
I gave $100 once, but the check never went through my account for some reason. I asked a few months later why it never came out and they said it was deposited. So in their books, I contributed $100, but I never gave them a cent. That was my only real donation, other then the pennies I gave my daughter to put in once in a while.
Chemical weapons being used ... how about it America?
by Simon inof course, as it's the murdering, war-crime-committing, un-mandate-ignoring, nuclear-non-proliferation-flouting israeli friends of america, they probably won't see it as an issue at all.. funny that ... they were dead keen on going to war over just the hint of this very thing but probably won't even condemn it.. it's about time that sanctions were imposed on israel.
honestly, by your past posts it seems to me that you have a deeper hatred for the american people (government) and their allies than you do for the islamo-fascists,
American people isn't the same as the American government. I happen to like the American people quite a bit, but I can't stand the majority of the American government's foreign policies. And on a side point, how much difference is there between an islamo-fascist and a christian-fascist? I don't see much. A fundy is a fundy, no matter what "truth" he's for.
unusual sentence in sex offender case.. canada..not jail!
by candidlynuts inconvicted sex offender chooses canadian exile over jail.
sunday, october 22, 2006. .
buffalo, n.y. jail or canada?
If I understand the laws correctly, in Canada it wouldn't be a crime as the age of consent is 14 yo. I don't think Canada would refuse entry to someone who committed a crime, that isn't considered a crime in Canada. Not that I think it's right, just the lawyer in me thinking through this.
Chemical weapons being used ... how about it America?
by Simon inof course, as it's the murdering, war-crime-committing, un-mandate-ignoring, nuclear-non-proliferation-flouting israeli friends of america, they probably won't see it as an issue at all.. funny that ... they were dead keen on going to war over just the hint of this very thing but probably won't even condemn it.. it's about time that sanctions were imposed on israel.
Yeah, what's the deal? It's not like Israel is rich with oil. I can't figure out the favortism they get from the US and Britain.
I have heard a theory regarding why Isreal gets special treatment, and it has to do with the President's religious views that Jesus is comming again, and that for it to take place, Isreal must belong to the Jews. It wouldn't surprise me.
I recall during the war reports of phosphorous being used. Of course Isreal denied it at the time, they couldn't admit it, they were already looking bad enough of the international scene. Now, after all the smoke has cleared and everyone has forgotten, they can say, "Yeah, we used it." It's sick, and they're going to get away with it too.
Are the JW's still banned in Moscow?
by kwintestal ini was looking around the site today, and found this on there saying that despite being permitted as a group in russia, the city of moscow itself had banned jw's.
anyone know more about this?.
I was looking around the site today, and found this on there saying that despite being permitted as a group in Russia, the city of Moscow itself had banned JW's. Anyone know more about this?
What is your town or area's claim to fame?
by free2beme inevery where you live, the local area has something about it that is either famous for something good or something bad.
as an example, you go to one town and it may have the historial site of a famous war battle.
you go to another an it might be the place something was invented, or the birthplace of someone famous.
It takes me 10 mins to walk to Niagara Falls, I can hear them from my house.
I called the local newspaper about the KN 37, religious editor interested
by kwintestal ini called the local paper today explaining that the jw's were starting a big "end of the world" campaign today, and that i had recieved a flyer in the mail today.
i stated that many of the things the jw's condemned in it, are problems within their own church as well.
after a good 10 minute discussion, i agreeded to forward her scans of the flyer with comments attached.
I called the local paper today explaining that the JW's were starting a big "end of the world" campaign today, and that I had recieved a flyer in the mail today. I stated that many of the things the JW's condemned in it, are problems within their own church as well. After a good 10 minute discussion, I agreeded to forward her scans of the flyer with comments attached. She was interested because the newspapers has a religious column, but rarely has a local story regarding it. I said that everyone in Niagara Falls will be getting one in their mailbox in the next few weeks, so what a great chance to get a local story!
When the WTS does a campaign like this, I love doing whatever I can to deflate the wind in their sails.
Dubs out with kn37
by fullofdoubtnow ini just took the dog a walk, and saw 4 dubs at the top of our street, trying to place kn37.
this is, of course, the first official day of thecampaign, so i expext to see a few more of them than usual over the next few days, but it's not often i see them at this time of day (3:10pm when i spotted them).
they all know me, and when they saw me walking towards them with the dog, who does admittedly look a bit fearsome, being a pit bull/staffordshire bull terrier cross, they looked a little nervous, as if they thought i was going to set him on to them.
scans are here:
I find it interesting that on one page, they discuss how false religion "Spreads False Doctrine" and on the next page they refer you to the book "Revelation -- Its Grand Climax At Hand!" which had how many revisions?