Propaganda to make you fear Muslims, that's all.
Propaganda to make you fear Muslims, that's all.
apparently, the watchtower society has recently issued formal advice that individual witnesses should not edit jw articles on wikipedia.
i occasionally edit some of the jw articles on wikipedia.
a couple of days ago i noticed a comment from one of the most respected jw editors to another jw editor on his personal talk page mentioning a letter from the wt society about editing on wikipedia.
I'd say there's three reasons behind this. 1) they don't want the active JW's to stumble upon something stumbling, 2) (along the same lines) it lets the general JW population know that the WTS conciders Wikipedia to be somewhat apostate and to be avoided, and 3) information control, they want to be the ones giving the information about JW's with their own spin on it via, not the spin of a JW/Apostate combination.
Too bad, but whatever. The apostates can now take over!
i've been really into indian lately myself, but went to a decent jamacian restaurant the other day.. the reason i'm asking is because my wife and i decided that once a week we're going to try making something totally different together, kind of a way to spend time together and at the same time eating awesome food (if it turns out) other then going to a restaurant.
i'm kind of looking for different ideas of what to make.. kwin.
I've been really into Indian lately myself, but went to a decent Jamacian restaurant the other day.
The reason I'm asking is because my wife and I decided that once a week we're going to try making something totally different together, kind of a way to spend time together and at the same time eating awesome food (if it turns out) other then going to a restaurant. I'm kind of looking for different ideas of what to make.
i was petrified that day.
i felt nervous and slightly sick that morning, so i couldn't even eat breakfast.. leading up to that baptism day ( i was only 16 ), i didn't want to tell anyone about it.
maybe because i came from a cold-hearted congregation where the other kids my age didn't like me (i was too serious), i didn't want anyone else to know.. i felt relief after the dunking was finally over.
Wet mostly, and I loved the attention it got me. I was in grade 7.
today is my and hubbie's 20th anniversary and hubbie's 38th birthday.....kisses darlin!
Legolas, you cradle robber! You got him the day he turned 18 so he couldn't stand a chance!
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!!! And birthday to your husband too!
i was just curious if anyone had every thought about decorating a kh with lights and decorations for x-mas just for s**ts and giggles.. merry christmas everybody!
No ... but I would.
"phineas j whoopee you're the greatest".
I once had one from the movie "Antz" I remember the grasshopper said it and it had to do with the ants just following orders or something or other. I don't know anymore. Sorry ... I contribute nothing to this thread.
i have seen it - i have looked for it here, there and anywhere.
i can't find the image.
i know i saw it here on this board just days back.
Eggnog ... isn't that taken during the prohibition? The Judge wouldn't go for that! Waste of perfectly good smuggled Canadain Whiskey.
our friend hambeak just got the most dreaded phone call from his jw child.
the news was passed on as he was asked for by name and not as"dad" and let known that "they" just called to let him know that his other son, brian, age 26, is dead.
he was in a car accident.
Hambeak, I'm sorry for your loss. Let your friends be there for you. You'll need them.
i have seen it - i have looked for it here, there and anywhere.
i can't find the image.
i know i saw it here on this board just days back.
Isn't it in the Proclaimer's book? I know I've seen a copy of it on display at the Canadian Bethel. It's not something they're really ashamed of though, they use it to prove Jehovah "cleansing" the org.