I've been thinking about this for quite a while and I'm not exactly sure how the best way of putting it out there, so if it seems like I'm blabbering at points, I more then likely am and I'm sorry. I'm kind of merging two different thoughts together, historical info I got from the book, "the Bible Unearthed" and personal research and discussions with others regarding "el".
El obviously played an important part in early Hebrew language as it was their word for "god". But, El was a Caananite god, and to them the God of all gods, supreme God father of all things and humankind. Here's the wikipedia entry for El: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/El_%28god%29 .
So if the Jew's word for "god" was "El" wouldn't it make sence that their god prior to YHWH was "El"?
Now the book "The Bible Unearthed" shows (or tries to show) through archogical evidence that the bible was created by King Josiah and/or Hezikiah and basically the whole bible (prior to Josiah) was a work of fiction, and it does a good job at proving it.
My thoughts are if the bible was in fact created around the time of Josiah, YHWH beging created at the same time, the language would change around the same time, with the word for God being switched from "el" to variations of "YHWH". Now words that were common wouldn't change, so that's why we have words like "bethel" - house of god, "shekel" - money of god and not "bethyah" or "shekyah".
So how do we find changes in the language? The only way I could think of is changing of names, to include portions of YHWH. In the bible, there are at least 89 names that include "El" in them with their Hebrew translation and at least 30 that use a variation of YHWH. see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theophory_in_the_Bible
I was thinking that a geneologist or language specialist would almost be able to pinpoint a date (and by pinpoint I mean within a few hundred years) as to when they started using YHWH in their names. It would be interesting if the date would coincide with the rule of Josiah.
Any thoughts on this or other input? Anyone know if this type of study has been done?