Black woman? -- Yes
Black man? -- No :-)
Dave of the "naive enough to think he'd be the first to make this joke, and failed to read the whole thread first, so wound up looking quite the fool" class
my sister-in-law is recently divorced and went to a witness online dating site.
she mentioned that many of the witnesses specified that they wanted a white or latino only.
of course there is nothing wrong with this (personal preference), but i found it interesting.
Black woman? -- Yes
Black man? -- No :-)
Dave of the "naive enough to think he'd be the first to make this joke, and failed to read the whole thread first, so wound up looking quite the fool" class
i work in the it field which means i'm able to get my hands on samples and pre-release products for review and testing.
today i installed the windows vista service pack 1 (release candidate).
the final version is scheduled for public release around february 2008.. first to answer the question that a lot of you are wondering: why did i upgrade to vista to being with?
Thanks Guys! I've heard several poor reviews of Vista, but few from people I thought were really qualified to make them. It's nice to get a pulse on this thing now and again.
So I should plan on moving to Vista in 2010? 2012? (Damn -- OBVES's Armageddon will have hit by then!)
congratulations on your one one one anniversary!.
aliasabandonedlocationunited states, minnesotamembership1 y 1 m 1 d .
average 6.46 posts per day.
Ah -- a celebration! YAY!
Congrats, Sir!
the calendar is now available!!!!!.
the cost is $15 and $5 shipping.
i just went through the ordering process and it's not bad at all.
the calendar is now available!!!!!.
the cost is $15 and $5 shipping.
i just went through the ordering process and it's not bad at all.
>>certain considerations about "selling" things on JWD.
I think we're as clean as we can be. It's the cheapest calendar I could find, and it's being sold at base price -- no markup. (I didn't even get a discount on mine!)
>>Respects to you, and no offense intended (if any was taken).
Nope, not a dime's worth. We're good! :-)
the calendar is now available!!!!!.
the cost is $15 and $5 shipping.
i just went through the ordering process and it's not bad at all.
>>I would suggest that you clear this idea with JWD Admin?
Would ANY mod do, or did you have one in particular in mind? At least one is aware of it and had no objections, but it wasn't officially "cleared".
What would be the process? Who to bounce it off of?
the calendar is now available!!!!!.
the cost is $15 and $5 shipping.
i just went through the ordering process and it's not bad at all.
For those of you that don't know what the heck I'm talking about, please visit this thread to come up to speed:
the calendar is now available!!!!!.
the cost is $15 and $5 shipping.
i just went through the ordering process and it's not bad at all.
The calendar is now available!!!!!
The cost is $15 and $5 shipping. I just went through the ordering process and it's not bad at all. I was in and out in a couple of minutes.
Here's the URL to order:
Thank you all for your participation, and to JH for all his hard work!
(As it happens, there is no commission. Whatever it sells for, CafePress keeps.)
for those of you who grew up as a jw (or not) you knew what, according to jehovah/wts, was expected of you in terms of strict morals and conduct.
how many of you never touched a cigarette or smoked while being raised as a jw but suddenly started once you left for various reasons ie just to be rebellious, to fit in with "wordlings", to overcompensate for your restricted youth etc.
i know i did and it feels great except for the nasty smoke smell.
I started almost as soon as I left, as a rebellion. Regretted it for almost the entire time. I've been clean for 2 months now and I *THINK* I might have it beat this time. (Used patches AND gum, mega-nicotine-doping!)
DON'T START! Rebel with a hooker, or some other safe thing. :-)
hi there i have only signed up on here a couple of days ago after 8 years of being left.
i have always read the posts along the way but have never had the courage to join in till now i suppose it shows i must be moving along.
i was brought up in the truth but never ever believed it even from a young age.
Hey Mya,
They certainly CAN do it, but unless you show that you still consider yourself to be a JW, they aren't supposed to come after you, ala witchhunt. Do you still attend meetings now and then? If so, that would be enough for them to consider you a target.
Do they have anything on you? Two witnesses to the smoking, that kinda thing?
They can DF you without meeting with you, but they would likely try to contact you first and TRY to meet with you. If you refuse to go, they'll DF you.
Good luck! And thanks for posting!